Chapter 15: A Year in the Life

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'What exactly am I supposed to do for nine months?' I yell at dad. I just found out he took away my laptop and any other piece of technology he could get his hands on. Not to mention my Ion Girl suit has gone missing and Sunday won't answer me. 

'I don't know! Read a book? Learn to cook?' 

I look at mum, hoping she might say something but she only shakes her head disapprovingly. 'Don't look at me, I didn't lie for nine months.'

My eyes dart between the two before huffing loudly and storming out. I get that I deserve to be grounded but dad has gone to extreme lengths to make my life miserable. I'm no stranger to being locked away but I always had my projects. Now I have nothing. I storm up and down the tower looking for anything to relieve my boredom. I stumble into the music room. A piano. I haven't played in ages. My fingers brush along the keys, hitting each note delicately. I open up the song book, and start to play.

How I love the view from this window

The flowers hung in boxes everywhere

When I told you that I needed some place to go

You said "Paris, love, I'm taking you there"

So we hopped a plane and found a small apartment

It's the kind of place that makes you wanna stay

And I think the city might be brokenhearted

But when I'm with you my troubles fly away

I sit up in bed wondering what to do today. I'm thinking apple and cinnamon muffins. From my window, New York prepares for winter. The lights are being put up, the trees are bare and the sky darkens. I get up to move. That's when I realise... it's started. 

I ask Jarvis to call mum but she doesn't pick up. She's in a meeting. I don't know what to do. I sneak into her bathroom. Her tampons don't fit. I slouch on the floor and cry. I don't know why, I just do. 

'Jarvis told me you're in here, what's wrong?' Dad asks, sitting down next to me. 

'I don't know.' I wail. 'Mum's not here and I need her.'

'Why?' Dad asks, genuinely confused. 

'I hate being a girl!' I begin sobbing loudly. This is ridiculous but I can't stop. 

Dad looks at me but then, through the tears, I can see his face pale. He fumbles around in his pocket and takes out his credit card. 

'You're ungrounded for the day. Get what you need, buy a hot chocolate and this evening we'll watch a ton of movies. Ok?'

I take it with shaky fingers as tears run down my cheeks. 'Ok.'

I walk slowly around Central Park, sipping on a Starbuck's hot chocolate. It's freezing and I wrap myself in a thick scarf. 

'It wouldn't be this cold in Malibu.'  I mutter under my breath. Despite this, I feel more content than ever. The pulse of New York runs through my blood. I allow it to flow through my veins, reminding me I'm not alone. My eyes trail across the ground, watching the leaves dance in the wind. In my euphoria I find myself lost in the city. 

Another body crashes into me and my hot chocolate spills down my jacket. 

'Damn it.' I grumble in frustration. 

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