Chapter 23: No Matter What

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'Here.' Dad says, throwing me my suit. 'I thought you might need this.'

'Only because I reminded you Tony.' Nat smirks. 

'Thanks.' I grin to dad. When he turns around, I mouth the same to Nat. She winks back. 

'Katy,' Laura smiles warmly as she approaches, 'I didn't get time to finish this.' 

I stare at the damaged fabric, then push it back into her hands. 'Keep it. I think it might make a fun costume for Lila.'

To my surprise, Laura wraps me in a hug. 'Remember, it's ok to be a teenager sometimes.'

'Thank you, for everything.' I say once she's let me go. 


'I gave my dress to Lila.' I say to dad on the way out. 

'Which one was that?' 

I frown and roll my eyes. 'I know it was expensive but-'

'Katy,' His fingers hold on on gently to the necklace around my neck. 'No amount of money ever bought a second of time.'

I stare at him blankly. 'What?' 

'It was something my dad used to say.' He sighs. 'I don't care about expensive clothes or shoes or whatever else you wear. I just want you to be happy and safe.'

'I know.' I say quietly. 'And I want you to be safe too.'

His hand moves to my shoulder. 'Now are you sure you're ok with this plan? Because you can always come back with-'

'Dad,' I interrupt, 'I'll be fine.'

His eyes waver and I can still see the fear in them. 'Stay safe Katy.' He says seriously. 

I hug him tightly. 'I love you dad.'

'I love you too.'

I feel a lot more comfortable in my suit and I allow the electricity to flow up and down the zigzags in time to my steady breathing. Steve has gone to find Dr. Cho whilst Clint, Nat and I listen from the carrier. I watch out the window, smiling at the surprised faces when they see our ship. My mask is down, hiding me from whatever we are about to face. 

Cap's panting breath can be heard over the comms. He's found Dr. Cho and, from the sound of things, Ultron has gotten to her first. Her voice is faint and I can just make out what she says. 

'You need to find the carrier. The real power comes from the gem.'

Gem?... She's talking about the mind stone. 

'Copy that.' Clint confirms, flying the helicarrier swiftly through the streets. I keep my senses focused, searching for the stone that is a part of me. I feel a pull towards a large truck driving recklessly along the road. I recognise the slogan printed along the side. 

'There, that truck in from the lab. Right above you Cap.' I point out. 

Clint moves in closer. 'There's three of them at the cradle. Take out the driver.'

'No don't! If that truck crashes that stone could destroy the city!' I quickly intervene, aware of the power this infinity stone has.

'We need to draw out Ultron.' Steve orders. 

'Be careful, you're no match for him.' Clint teases.

Steve scoffs. 'Thanks.' 

I can practically hear his eyes rolling. It makes me smirk knowing that, despite what's happened, we're still able to laugh. 

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