Chapter 5: Aunt Peggy

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'So where are we going?' I bounce next to Cap.

'Out. Get your stuff and get changed. We can't have you walking around looking like an assassin.'

I roll my eyes. Cap is doing nothing to hide his irritation or anger. This could be a long few days.

I grab my things from my room and stuff it into a small bag. I don't really have any other suitable clothes so I just slip on my sunglasses. They look cool alongside the leather jacket. My hair falls in loose curls, having been forced into tight plaits for the last twenty-four hours. I slip my daggers off my belt and into my bag. I can't be seen out in public carrying weapons. That would really freak people out.

I'm just about done packing when I place the last photo in my bag. It's one of me and dad wearing matching sunglasses, posing in the car. I don't remember where we were going, I just remember the feeling. Dad smiles back at me. A tear threatens to escape my eye but I quickly stuff the photo in my bag, shutting out all feelings. I turn the light off and, as I shut the door, my hand instinctively goes to my necklace, clasping onto the little lightning bolt. 'I'm sorry dad.' I whisper. 'I'll be home soon.'

'I'm not getting on that.' I pout, eyeing up the dodgy motorbike.

'Quit being a Stark and just put the helmet on.' Steve sighs.

'I will, when you stop using Stark as an insult.'

We stare at each other. Neither one of us willing to back down. Eventually Cap gives up and gets on his bike. I strap on the helmet and begrudgingly hop on. I wrap my arms around tightly but not before giving Steve a slight electric shock. It's enough to piss him off but not enough to hurt. He grumbles, annoyed.

Cap doesn't give me any insight into where we're going. For all I know he's going to throw me off a cliff. It's not that I don't like Steve, I do. It's just he doesn't understand what I can do. What I'm capable of. I already have a dad. I don't need another. Me and Steve aren't close. I wish he'd be more like Nat. Nat doesn't mother me like Pepper does. She's just fun and supportive. A friend or almost like an auntie. Steve acts like dad. Controlling me. I wish he'd be a friend instead.

Finally, the motorbike stops. I now know where I am. The Smithsonian.

'A museum? Really? This is your idea of fun?'

Steve ignores me and walks in. His hat covers his face so no one recognises him. I expect him to stop and give me history lessons about the war or some other boring nonsense. But he doesn't. He walks straight through the crowds and tourists. I try my best to keep up, the bored teenager with the nerdy uncle vibe means no one is watching.

'Steve, where are we going? You just missed half the museum.' I complain.

He continues to march on. It isn't until I pass a sign that says WW2 that I know what he's doing. He knows exactly where to go.

Banners and posters, objects and letters, planes hanging from the ceiling, all detailing the Second World War. My eyes widen in amazement. I've never been to a museum before. Dad doesn't like talking about the war. I guess it had something to do with Grandpa.

'Kid, keep up.' Steve calls out. I hurry towards him and I follow Steve into a small room with a video playing on the screen. I have to remove my sunglasses to see. The video is in black and white and that voice, I know that voice.

'Aunt Peggy.' I whisper. She looks just like the pictures. Beautiful hair and red lips. Her British accent smooth and classy. She's the agent I aspire to be.

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