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Dear Readers, that is the end of Book 2: Ion Heart.

I have had the best time writing this and I hope you've enjoyed reading it! Your support has meant so much!

It has been extremely exciting writing the two films Captain America: Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron and then getting to write my own storyline for Katy. I've had the chance to introduce and play around with new characters: Bucky, Pietro, Wanda and Peter. I've gotten to explore Katy's heartbreaking relationship with Pietro, write about Midtown and Peter, and in particular, follow Katy through her emotional struggle with her mental health and powers in Part 3, something that has meant a lot to me, particularly during these times. 

This story has kept me going through the lockdown weeks, it's been something for me to look forward to and I hope it's been something for you to look forward to too!

The next book will be out shortly, so keep an eye out!

The title is......

Electric Storm

It will follow on straight from where we left Katy, focusing on her recovery and relationship with Peter Parker/Spiderman. And just when that couldn't get more exciting, the storm will hit with Captain America: Civil War and the dreaded Sokovia accords... 

But for now, I will leave you with Katy in the Avenger's Tower Medical room, battling with the knew knowledge that Spiderman, Peter Parker, knows that Katherine Carter is actually Katherine Stark...

All the best,

BBRey :)

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