Chapter 24: Time in a Bottle

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I hastily land the carrier on the tower's landing platform, scared that Steve will jump out when we're still in the air. He's already made up his mind as to what dad's doing. 

'Listen, Pietro.' I say quietly. 'I know Steve's pretty angry at the moment but promise me, you won't rush into things. My dad is a good man. Just, let me handle this.'

Pietro's hand folds around mine, softly massaging my fingers. 'Ok Sparky, for you.'  

Steve storms into the tower. I want to tell him to pause and think for a moment but he's already shut me off. I find it annoying that he's always judging dad. Steve has respected me a lot more since Washington and I respect him too, but I know he believes that where my dad is concerned, my judgement is clouded. Maybe it is.

'Don't let me down dad.' I whisper under my breath. 

When we've arrived at the lab, the cradle has been plugged into something. 

'Is that Jarvis?' I exclaim in amazement. Now I understand what dad is trying to do. This could work.  

'I'm going to say this once. Shut it down.' Steve orders. 

'Nope.' Dad shoots back and continues with what he's doing. Next to me, Pietro tenses. I send a slight shock through his arm. 

'Dad, you don't know what you're doing.'

His eyes dart to mine, thinking I've betrayed him. 

'Oh and you do?' He snaps. 

'I might.' I say through gritted teeth. If you gave me a chance. 

'Are you sure she's not in your head?' Banner remarks. My stern facade drops. I'm taken back by all this hostility. I didn't expect friends to speak like this. Steve shouting, dad being an arrogant git. It's two sides of argument I don't want to be a part of. 

'I know you're angry.' Wanda interjects. 

'Oh we're way past that.' Banner's head whips round to look at her. He hasn't forgiven Wanda yet and this is turning into a dangerous situation. 

'Dad, Bruce,' I look between them, 'after everything that's happened-'

'It is nothing compared to what's coming.' Dad finishes. His eyes flash that scared fear. The one that consumes him. 

'You don't know that.' I try to say gently, approaching with soft footsteps. My hand gently places over his. 'We can figure this out. It's our mess, we should fix it, together.' I turn towards the cradle, my hands feeling for the power within. 'My vision, the one she gave me, this is the answer. I didn't understand then. I do now. These stones are the key.'

'Are you sure?' Dad asks me.


'Katy...?' Steve starts. 

'I trust my dad. No matter what.' Electricity flows through me as I start to tamper with the wires. My senses are tuned to the mind stone. As I'm about to change the digits and switch the cables, the room erupts into yelling and screaming. Steve shouts about the consequences. I scream about needing to make things right, Dad yells about yelling, the team is a mess and I'm pretty sure I've scared off my only chance of happiness. 

A flash of silver and suddenly the machine has been unplugged. Pietro stands smugly next to the cradle. 

'You were saying?'

My face falls into my hand. 'Really Pietro?' I sigh. A crashing sound pulls me from my thoughts. My head whips up. Glass smashes around Pietro's ankles and suddenly he has disappeared through the floor. 

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