Chapter 4: Trust No one

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Once I was back at the Triskelion (SHIELD Headquarters) I headed straight to Fury as instructed and handed him the stick containing everything he needed. 

'Well done Agent Carter. I knew you'd be up to the task.' Fury nods, smiling at the new intel. 

'It better be worth it.' I hiss. 'Cap wasn't happy when he found out.'

'Miss. Stark, you should know by now there are no friends in this line of work.'

I have no answer. He's right. Anyone can betray anyone. Famous words, said all to often. 

'Can I go home now?' I ask, hope lining my voice. The look Fury gives me suggests otherwise. I should have known this was coming. 

'I'm sorry. It's too risky for you to suddenly disappear.'

'But you said-'

'I know. But now things have changed. Keep an eye on your friends, and everyone else for that matter. We are playing a different game now.'

I slump back in my chair. His words only ask more questions that they answer. But I understand the meaning. Whatever information I've just provided has only raised more uncertainty. I have to be be careful. We are close to uncovering the truth. 

'Fine, but I better be home in five days or my dad won't be happy.'

'Stark doesn't frighten me.'

'Well I'm sure you'll think differently if I'm still here in five days.' I snap 'He'll come marching up the country to bring me back.'

'Oh please, he let you come here.' Fury scoffs.

'Careful Fury.' I warn. 'Dad has never liked SHIELD and he was never thrilled about me coming here. He just didn't like that I was shutting myself in my room so he sent me away thinking this was a good opportunity, that it might make me happy. I played your game. I've done what you asked. My turn is over.'

'Stark, there are bigger things going on here than you know. Everyone will be watching you now. I suggest you play a new game.'

Fury's tone indicates the conversation is over but I continue to eye him up, determined not to be undermined. He is just about to open his mouth when Cap storms in. He looks furious. Fury doesn't seem to care, simply waiting for Cap's rant to be over. He stands arms crossed, eyebrows raised. I slouch in the chair, trying not to be noticed. Confrontations I can do, lying I can do, what I can't deal with is the saintly solider being disappointed in me. It's like upsetting a puppy.  

'You just can't stop yourself from lying.' He shouts at Fury.

I glance at the door. 'I think I'll just...'

Cap shoots a look at me. I slowly sit back down in my seat.

'Or not...'

'I didn't.' Fury replies. 'Carter and Romanoff had a different mission to yours.'

'Which you didn't feel obligated to share.'

'I'm not obliged to do anything.' Fury retorts. I slouch in the chair, trying not to be noticed as they continue to stare at each other. The Cap's tall structure shrouds over me, like he's protecting me from some invisible force, and I know this isn't going to end well.

Cap raises his voice again. 'Those hostages could have died! Katy could have died!'

Hang on, I can handle myself! I want to butt in but I won't. 

'I sent the greatest soldier in history to make sure that didn't happen.'

'Soldiers trust each other, that's what makes it an army.'

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