Chapter XXIV

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The next morning rose, and Jimin was feeling even worse. He hadn't gotten much sleep, and his head was still pounding from exhaustion and heartache. His wolf was depressed and wailing. It felt like the floor was trying to hold him down, not wanting him to get up at all. The Omega wobbled out of his closet and headed to the ensuite to take a bath.

As Jimin stood in front of the tub, he contemplated turning the nub to hot or cold. In the end, the blond chose the latter and filled the tub with freezing water. He undressed and stepped in with a sharp breath and whimper. It took a moment before he was able to sit down. He then let himself lean back and succumb to his misery, head swirling with stormy thoughts as Jimin tried to process all of them. His bottom lip was wobbling, so he bit it into his mouth.

The longer the male stayed in the water, the angrier his thoughts became. How dare Jungkook be so selfish? How could he not understand? The feeling was tearing Jimin apart, and he didn't know how much his seams could take before coming apart.

He started questioning himself. Did he do something that led to the pup's death? Had he not been careful enough? What if he wasn't capable of carrying a baby?

The sorry face of his mother flashed before his eyes, making him shudder. The Omega scoffed and closed his watering eyes.

"Should've listened to her," Jimin whispered, a dry laugh leaving his chapped lips. "Fuck this shit. He's a jerk." No matter how hard he tried not to cry, tears just fell down his cheeks without control. He felt helpless.

The Omega took a deep breath and slid down, submerging into the water. The sharp cold numbed his face. The mellow silence was a welcome change to his loud thoughts.

Everybody in the mansion knew what had happened. The tension was thick, and everyone was on edge, not knowing how to approach neither Jimin nor Jungkook, if the Alpha ever happened to exit his study. As Jimin walked down the stairs, dressed in full denim, the two maids didn't know what else to do but bow in silence. The head Omega was pale, his eyes void of any emotion. His warm and bubbly aura had gotten replaced by sorrow and pain. The maids felt chills as he strode past them. He didn't even greet them.

Yoongi was writing in the living room when he smelled his best friend. He immediately rushed over to the younger who put on his shoes in the hallway.

"You're going out?" the Omega gently questioned, leaving a safe distance of five feet between them. He didn't want to intrude into Jimin's space if not given permission. The last thing he wanted was for the other to push him away.

"Yes," came the court answer. Jimin put his sunglasses on and ran his hand through his hair.

"Can I come with you?" It wasn't like Yoongi wanted to go out, but he didn't want the blond to be alone in the state he was in.

"I want to go alone. I'll be back for dinner."

The elder sighed but nodded, not pushing the boy too much. He placed a hand on his shoulder and silently asked for a hug, a sad smile on his lips when Jimin complied and wrapped his arms around him just for a moment.

Yoongi was left standing in the hall as Jimin closed the doors behind himself. He let out a deep breath, feeling grave sadness for his best friend. He wished he could do more.

"Yoon?" Taehyung suddenly hugged him from behind, though the mint-haired Omega had already smelled him approaching. "Did Jimin go out?"

"Yeah. I would've gone along, but he didn't want company. I'm so worried about him." The male couldn't help but let out a distressed whimper. His mate nosed his neck to comfort him. "I'm so fucking angry at Jungkook." He felt Taehyung sighing against his skin.

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