Chapter XXII

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Jimin was feeling a bit sick.

He was reading in the garden with Yoongi when sudden nausea hit him, the sensation more than uncomfortable. First, he thought it was because he missed his mate, but he found the idea a bit odd. Jungkook and some of his men, Taehyung included, had gone on a trip to inspect an export. It would be five days left before his mate came back. They had been apart for longer than that.

"You feeling okay, Jimin?" Yoongi voiced his concern, having followed his best friend with his eyes after the man had squirmed in his seat. The grimace on his lips was also evident.

"No, not really," the blond huffed, leaning back on his chair and taking deep breaths. "I don't know what's wrong."

"Let's go get Seokjin hyung. Come, I'll give you a hand." The elder Omega didn't waste a second before getting up and helping Jimin stand.

Jimin laid on his and Jungkook's bed, clutching onto the Alpha's pillow while breathing calmly to keep nausea away. Yoongi had gone to look for the eldest Beta, leaving him to ponder what was wrong with him.

The boy almost fell asleep, soothed by Jungkook's scent, until his eyes popped open when his throat constricted. He ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet bowl.

The mint-haired Omega entered the head-couple's bedroom, feeling the discomfort of his best friend's wolf right away. He rushed to the bathroom and sighed, kneeling next to Jimin and rubbing his back.

"Am I pregnant?" the younger asked, reeling himself up from the floor and flushing the toilet before washing his mouth.

"That's what hyung and I thought. Here." Yoongi handed him a pregnancy test, eyebrows raised. "You two did the deed without protection? Wait, don't tell me. I don't want to know that." The male cringed and shook his head, effectively making Jimin giggle a bit.

The two Omegas cuddled on the couch while waiting for the test results. Jimin's nausea had subsided after emptying his stomach, and he felt his heart hammer in his chest. He would be so happy if he was pregnant. Thinking about his Alpha playing with their pup made him feel ecstatic.

The timer the blond had set on his phone went off, and he jumped a little, quickly reaching for the test on the coffee table.

"Well?" Yoongi asked, hand in Jimin's hair as the other stared at the stick. A smile rose on his lips when Jimin started grinning. The younger Omega squealed and covered his face in his hand.

"It's positive!" the male exclaimed, showing the test to Yoongi, who ruffled his locks. He surged forward and hugged his best friend tightly. "Oh, I gotta go tell mom!"

"Go, go. I'll go to my room and continue reading. Join me after," the mint-haired chuckled, waving his best friend off, though he was really happy for him.

Jimin found his mother in her room, also engrossed in a book. He skipped over to the woman and plopped himself next to her.

"You seem happy! Did the boys come home already?" Mikyung asked, smiling as she put her book down. She hugged her son, who nuzzled into her neck.

"Not yet," Jimin giggled. "But guess what!"

"Ah, I'm so bad at this game!" the lady laughed and shook her head. "What is it, pumpkin?"

"I just took a pregnancy test, and it came out positive," the Omega grinned, feeling giddy.

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