Epilogue IV

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Jimin had a smile on his face as he sat in the garden, watching how his dear children, aged three and one, played together. Eunmi held Hanbin's hands and took careful steps backward to help her little brother walk. The blond held his phone up, filming the heartwarming scene.

"Mommy, look!" the Alpha pup exclaimed, smiling widely as Hanbin took steps after her. "Hanbinie can walk!" She let go of the boy's tiny hands and clapped in excitement as Hanbin walked without support.

"Mama!" the one-year-old squealed, imitating his big sister, and tried to clap his chubby hands as well.

"Be careful, bub," Jimin called out, zooming the camera in on his youngest. Though, as soon as those words left the man's lips, the Omega pup lost his frail balance and fell on his little butt. "Aww, bub," the blond cooed as Hanbin turned to look at him, a sad pout on his face.

"Did it hurt?" Eunmi crouched next to her brother, worriedly hugging him. "Mommy! Hanbinie hurt his butt!"

Jimin put his phone away and walked over to his kids, getting down on the ground and pulling his son on his lap. He kissed his cheeks and patted his bum, hugging his tiny body tightly. Eunmi also climbed onto his lap, nuzzling into his neck. The blond wrapped his other arm around his daughter and giggled when she scented him.

"How are my little babies?" Jungkook asked, hoisting both of his children into his arms and cuddling them. He loved to come home from work to his pups, whom he loved so much it sometimes overwhelmed him. They were his little balls of happiness.

"Hanbinie fell and hurt his butt!" Eunmi exclaimed, making the raven chuckle and coo.

"Well, I'm glad he is okay now," he hummed. His Omega pup giggled when he blew a raspberry on his cheek.

"He made it without further oopsies," Jimin chimed in, wrapping his arms around his kids and mate and rising on his tiptoes to peck Jungkook's grinning lips.

Jimin and Jungkook were glued together as they sat on the couch. The Alpha had his hand on his mate's thigh while he whispered sweet nothings to him, a grin on his lips as he once in a while kissed a spot behind his ear. The blond was giggling quietly, a blush adorning his cheeks while he hugged the younger's bicep.

"Oh my God, I can't stand you two," Seokjin groaned, slapping the back of Jungkook's head before plopping down on the other couch. "Stop it! I know you two are horny, but tone it down in front of the kids."

The head couple's children played on the carpet with Eunmi doing something and Hanbin trying to copy her. He wasn't as coordinated as his big sister. There was some show playing on the TV for the adults, but Jimin and Jungkook were more concentrated on each other.

"Shh," the Alpha hushed his friend but did lay off from his lover just slightly. Instead, he pulled Jimin onto his lap and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

The men were charged with unreleased hormones. With two young pups and Jungkook's demanding career, their sex life got put on hold more than they would like. After having carried children, Jimin's heats had reduced to only a couple per year, and those times, plus the one or two ruts Jungkook had, were like mini vacations for them; the couple always escaped to the beach house to indulge in each other without bother.

And that was why they were so giddy and had a hard time keeping their hands to themselves. Jimin's heat was just around the corner, meaning they finally had time to be together and have sex. Fuck, they missed sex.

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