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"I don't like that face" Jessica said as she watched Paris enter their cell

"I gotta get out of here .." Paris said as she sat down on her bunk, weighing her options ..

"What happened" Jess asked as she hopped down from the top bunk ..

"Shane is letting Sha & SJ take over" She replied

"And ?" Jess asked placing her hand on her hip, waiting for the rest of the story

"And ? Jessica, really ?" Paris asked, clearly frustrated .. Jessica could tell she was in deep thought..

"I mean, what did you expect ? Those boys have been around the Cartel all of their lives, they started killing at an early age .. They've witnessed stuff most teenagers their age would never see in a lifetime .. so what did you expect Paris ?" She asked as she closed the book she was reading ..

"Not this.." Paris replied

"What does Shane have to say about it ?" She asked

"Nothing, he's all for it .." Rolling her eyes, Paris sat back in bed ..

"Well, I mean .. what can he do ? They are basically grown now.." Jessica said

"Let's not forget who we're talking about here Jess.. Shane could stop him if he really wanted to.. the problem is.. he don't want to .." Paris replied

"True, but he also knows if he can't do it here he will do it elsewhere .. might as well let him learn from the best .. and Shane and Shamar is the best .." Jess replied

Rolling her eyes, Paris didn't want to hear none of that ..

"What did he say about Bethany" Jessica asked, basically already knowing the answer to her question ..

"He said to "Leave it alone".." Doing the quotation marks with her fingers she sighed ..

Laughing, Jessica shook her head "I told you so .." She replied

"Well she better stay in her place .." Paris said, just as Kelsey opened the door ..

"They're coming around with our test results .." She said as she peaked out of the window of the cell ..

"What test results ?" Paris asked, confused ..

"This coronavirus mess .. I heard they're letting some people go early because of it .." Kelsey said

"Well, they won't be letting us go that's for sure .." Paris replied

"Well, won't hurt to try .. I've already told Shamar to tell Blake to try and work our luck .." She said

Shrugging, Paris wasn't too optimistic.. she knew their wishes of an early release was slim to none .. The feds were using them as examples, if they could have given them more years than they got they really would have .. They had gotten tested almost a week prior and hadn't heard anything since ..

Before Paris could even finish her thought the heavy metal door slid open as two doctors with masks entered the room ..followed by Mrs. Wallace, the warden .. She had it out for them since day 1 .. She was always looking for a reason to bite..

"Jessica ?" One of them said

"Yes?" She asked

"Would you mind coming with us please ?" He asked

"For what ?" Frowning, she was confused

"We can tell you in the office, right now I need you to come with us .." Mrs. Wallace said

"No, I said tell me here .." Slightly raising her voice she was now drawing attention as Paris and Kelsey watched the exchange ..

"Okay, fine .. you along with a few others have tested positive for the virus .. you'll need to quarantine for a couple of weeks .." She replied

The Cartel 3 : QUEENSWhere stories live. Discover now