Dussé and Kush

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Shane had gotten a text from Solo letting him know that Paris was now at the suite with Natalia. He didn't even bother texting back because now that they knew Natalia would be okay. He now had to address Solo, his cousin.

He understood that he was a grown ass man and could do as he pleased but he completely dismissed Shane's request for him to stay away from Lia.

He had to explain that, if he was willing to ignore a request as simple as that what else was he gonna ignore ..

Instead Shane had the driver drive around the strip.
He needed to get his thoughts together. Dussé and Kush was in rotation. One in his left and a glass in the right hand. An entire hour of him drinking and smoking. He was on a mission to solve everyone's problems but his own. More than anyone his mom was on his mind. Although there wasn't a day that went by that he didn't think about her, he hadn't spoken to her in days.

Everytime he seen her or spoke to her, she's even weaker than the time before. That, he couldn't handle. The man who could fix anything, with a phone call or money transaction couldn't fix this.

He wasn't ready to face it, so he avoided it ..

Shane texted his mom everyday, but those phone calls and FaceTimes he received always went unanswered.


The moment Shane walked into the suite he shared with Paris, he noticed it was pitch black inside. He went to the guest area first, checking on Natalia.

She was sound asleep, her lamp still on with a couple pill bottles not far away. He could tell she had fallen asleep on her phone. He turned the light out and escaped without waking her.

On his way to Paris' room he noticed the set up in the living area. He could tell she had been waiting up for him.

She always found her favorite spot in the living area and surrounded it with nothin but her shit. And she would wait for him to come home from wherever he was.

This time there was an electric blanket, that was still on placed on the couch. A book she was reading was on the table, her iPad was on top of her blanket and the table was full of snacks.

Entering her room, a dim light shined from the bathroom. The room was humid and he could tell she was getting out of the shower. So he exited the room to let her get dressed in peace.

Taking another shot, he headed out to the balcony for some air. As busy as the day had been he wasn't tired, nor was he interested in sleeping.

There was too much chaos in his life at the moment for sleep.

"Why you still up ?" Shane asked, still looking down at the strip he felt Paris' presence approaching him ..

"I was waiting on you .." She said from behind him ..

Turning around, Shane admired her natural beauty. Her face didn't have any make up, her long hair was in a ponytail and she had a black a gold Versace robe wrapped around her frame.

"Why ?" He asked

"You've been drinking ?" She asked

"Why?" He asked, again ..

Sighing, Paris rolled her eyes "Can you come inside ? Please ?" She asked

Taking the rest of his drink to the head, Shane followed Paris back into the suite.

"What ?" He asked, coming out of his blazer he then began unbuttoning his button down ..

"Your dad called while you were out, we need to go back to Miami.. so Shamar put us on an earlier flight .. we're leaving tomorrow morning at 6.." She said ..

Shane took off his button down, "He called and said what ?" He asked

Licking her lips, Paris didn't want to tell Shane about his mom .. matter of fact she was probably the last person who needed to tell him but she was the person Shamar relayed the message to, therefore she had to tell Shane.

"She's getting sicker .. they're saying it won't be long .." Paris said

Staring Paris directly in the eyes, he took in what she said to him then he nodded "I'm gettin in the shower .." He said as he stood up

"You can't keep ignoring it Shane, it's not gonna go away .. but the time you're wasting ignoring her will .." Paris said ..

Shane didn't reply, he closed his door instead and got into the shower.


It was going on 3'am when Paris heard this loud noise coming from the living area ..

'Bop, bop, bop-b-bop'

Paris hadnt slept any, she doubt anyone had. She had been texting Kelsey all night. They were ready to get back to Miami, they needed their time with Justine. She was like another mother to both of them and the thought of being without her didn't sit right on anyones stomach.

Getting up from her bed, Paris opened her bedroom door and peaked out into the living area.

Shane had his freestand boxing bag in front of the balcony, punching the shit out of the bag. His boxing gloves on , he moved his arms with such precision he could've easily been mistaken for a professional boxer. He had his AirPods in his ears, listening to music.

Paris stood there and watched him take his frustrations out on the bag. She wasn't sleepy anyway. If she was going to be sad and mope around she would rather do it in his presence.

She was feeling the same heartache he was only his was amplified. That was the woman who birthed him, fed him, clothed him, she was his first love.

She couldn't imagine what it felt like to be losing all of that. It wasn't until Shane rotated that he acknowledged her presence. She was sure that he had already knew she was there. He knew everything.

But he didn't say anything and neither did she. Shane focused his attention back on the bag, he didn't even realize Paris had went back into her room.

He couldn't hear her if she had said anything, the music in his ears was loud. Tuning out the world and burning some of the pressure he had built up inside of him was his only concern. It was the only thing keeping him sane.

6 am had came fast and he was already packed and ready. When Paris came out of her room he was still hitting the boxing bag, covered in sweat. Paris walked over to him and pulled one of his AirPods from his ear.

"It's almost time to go .." She said

She was completely showered and dressed.

Paris wore a black Celine corset top, a black Celine bandage skirt and black Celine heels. She was only going to the airport but she was dressed to perfection.

Shane took his gloves off, not saying anything to Paris he headed for his room ..

"Are you hungry ?" She asked

"No .." He replied, slamming the door behind him to keep her from following him ..

He knew she was gonna be on his ass all day, but he didn't want her sympathy. He only needed to be left alone with more Dussé & Kush.



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