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When Paris went back into the house she wasn't surprised to see her mom inside the kitchen cooking. They had a chef but Celeste insisted on being the one doing the cooking for the next few days. She called it comfort food. And Shane loved her cooking.

"Good morning baby.." She said

"Good morning .." Paris replied as she sat at the counter top watching her mom cook

"You hungry ?" Celeste asked

"No.." Her daughter replied

"Well, you're gonna eat anyway .." She replied as she grabbed a glass plate from the cabinets and began fixing Paris a plate ..

Rolling her eyes, Paris wasn't in the mood to bicker. It was gonna come from her or Shane anyway. So she rathered it come from her mom. She opened her journal back up and continued to write.

"Good morning .." Shortly after, Paris heard a familiar voice from behind her ..

"Good morning .." She said as she looked back at her sister in law who was walking in with her kids

"The kids are outside in the pool .." Paris said to her niece and nephew after hugging both of them

"Hi Kelsey.. you hungry?" Celeste asked

"Good morning and no thank you.." She replied as she sat next to Paris ..

"You're up early.." Paris said as she continued to write ..

"Yeah, you weren't texting back so I had to come make sure you were still alive." She replied

Paris smiled "My phone is on DND, & I didn't bring it up .." She said

"Why not?" Kelsey asked

"We both know it hasn't hit him yet .. He was too calm at that funeral. I didn't want to risk being a trigger. And I was scared of him actually confirming it happened. That would mean, there's absolutely no hope for us. I wasn't ready for that. And I saw the excitement on my daughters face when he came home last night.. So, I said nothing instead." Paris replied as she continued writing in her journal ..

Kelsey fell silent, then Celeste interrupted.

"What happened ?" She asked

"Nothing .." Paris quickly replied, her words were cold .. Sharp as a knife.

She said it so fast it hurt her moms feelings, Kelsey could tell by the look on her face. So she lightly kicked her sister in law. Earning a glare from Paris.

"Kelsey, can I talk to my daughter alone for a second please ?" Celeste asked as she began serving the food on to plates ..

Rolling her eyes, Paris sighed.

"Yes ma'am" Kelsey replied, smiling at her sister in law ..

Celeste waited until Kelsey was completely outside before she began to speak.

"I get it, I do .. Justine, was your replacement mom. But I'm all you got now .." She said before Paris cut her off as she laughed. "I'm missing her already.." Referring to her mother in law

Celeste was shocked Paris even said that. Their relationship was once perfect. Her daughter was her best friend. Money may have pursuaded her in some forms but she felt as if she always gave her daughter the advice that would be in her best interest.

"You've punished me enough, can I get another chance ? Paris, I love you .. " She pleaded, her face sincere ..

Paris just didn't know if she could trust her.

"Ma, it was never about him taking care of you. It's about how much you put him before me .. all for the sake of money. You were supposed to have been on my team. Not his." She hissed, tears burning her eyes ..

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