True Colors

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Paris was in tears as she stared at the pictures that were being posted online of her husband, and the exact woman she had told him to get rid of ..

He had been blowing up her phone since the pictures were posted but she never answered .. everyone else was sleep as she dealt with her emotions alone ..

"What ?!" She yelled into the phone, finally answering Shane's phone call

"That wasn't suppose to happen .." Were the first words out of his mouth ..

"Is that suppose to make me fuckin feel better .. out of anybody you could've went out and found you chose her Shane ?! Are you fuckin serious right now ?!" Her tears were hot and at that point she didn't give a damn who heard her yelling ..

Sighing, Shane walked over to the bar in his bedroom .. Picking up a bottle of Crown Royal, he popped it open ..

"Or were you already fuckin her and lied to me about it ?" She asked

"I didn't lie to you, I never fucked that girl .. anything that happened between me and her just started happening .." He said

Wiping her eyes, Paris calmed herself down before asking the next question "So basically you're telling me you weren't fuckin her when we was together nor while I was locked up but you are fuckin her now ? Right ?" She asked

Silent, Shane didn't want to lie to her but he didn't wanna tell her the truth either ..

But his silence told her everything she needed to know ..

"What happened ? At one point you were so in love, now you just .." Cutting her off, Shane interrupted what she was about to say ..

"Don't do that shit Paris .. I would die for you tomorrow if I had to, I love you more than life .. and you know it .." He said

"No, I used to know that .. now I don't know shit" She said ..

"I'm sorry Paris .." He said

Not saying anything, Paris disconnected the call ..

She was mad, she was hurt and the more notifications came to her phone the angrier she became ..

She was angry that he had put her in the spotlight yet again, only to be embarrassed ..

Locking her bedroom door, she picked up one of the glasses behind the bar and just threw it .. one by one she got every glass she saw and smashed it into the wall .. followed by the pictures on the wall, she pushed every glass vase down to the ground as she took every ounce of her frustration out on anything she could get her hands on ..

She heard her family slowly wake up, one by one as they heard the commotion coming from her room ..

Her room was a mess but she didn't care .. they tried to get into the room but had no success ..

She was in tears and all she really wanted at that moment was peace .. something she couldn't seem to find no matter how far away from Florida she was ..

"Paris, open the door !!" She heard Kelsey say

Ignoring her, Paris kept breaking anything she could get her hands on .. she didn't know how much built up frustrations she had until she seen those photos ..

She threw one of her Louboutins directly into her flat screen, leaving a crack ..

That's when Kelsey opened the door, followed by Justine, Celeste, and Lia ..

"Paris, you okay ?" Justine asked

"Can y'all give us a minute?" Kelsey asked, quickly intervening but not taking her eyes off of her sister in law ..

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