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"Why you don't cook for me like this no more ?" He asked as he entered the kitchen, kissing his mom on the cheek ..

Paris' stomach dropped, but she never looked back at him .. but she could feel Kelsey's eyes on her as she sliced up the candied yams ..

Pausing for a moment, she finished her entire glass of wine in a few gulps ..

"Because you're grown, son .. that's what you have wives for .. I only cook for my grandkids now.." She said matter of factly..

"FYI He's headed this way .." She quickly mumbled before turning around the greet him ..

"Hey Shane .." She heard Kelsey say ..
causing Paris to roll her eyes ..

"Wassup sis" He said, giving her a kiss on the cheek ..

"Where's your brother ?" She asked

"He on his way in .." He replied, making his way past his sister in law .. He made his way over to Paris ..

She could feel his presence behind her, followed by the smell of marijuana..

"You not gone speak ?" He asked, peaking over her shoulder ..

Sighing, Paris felt him wrap his arms around her waist .. She turned around so that they were now face to face ..

"Hi Shane .." She said, wrapping her arms around his neck to give him a hug ..

Squeezing her, Shane slightly raised her off of her feet .. followed by a kiss on the forehead ..

Finally seeing him in person after 4 whole months was more emotional for her than she thought it would be ..

"How you been ?" He asked

"Fine .." She replied with a smile ..

"That's good .." He replied, looking her up and down .. he licked his lips .. causing her to shift on her feet ..

Her body was reacting against her will, and she couldn't do shit about it as a puddle formed inside of her lace pantys ..

"We're about to take this outside .." Paris said, as she looked past Shane and to Justine ..

"Ok, that's fine .." She replied ..

"Kelsey, help me .." Paris started picking up the cutting board and knives while Kelsey got the food ..

Leaving out of the kitchen and on to the patio Paris could still feel Shane's eyes on her ..

She watched as Kelsey brought the food out as well as their glasses and a bottle of wine ..

"What was that about ?" She giggled as she sat down

"I can't breathe being in the same room as him.."
She said with a sigh ..

Laughing, Kelsey poured them more wine ..

"How are you and Xavier?" She asked

"Fine, he wants to meet y'all .." She said looking out at the ocean ..

"Okay, and what's wrong with that ?" Kelsey asked

"He wants to meet the kids too, it just seems like he's more into this than I am .. I mean he's fun and sweet and all but .." Cut off, Kelsey interrupted her ..

"But he's not Shane ?" She asked, lifting an eyebrow

Smirking, Paris shook her head .. "Its not even that, I just believe I started dating too fast .. I just wanna be alone right now .. he wants to meet my kids and wants me to meet his mama and siblings and we haven't even had sex yet .." She said

The Cartel 3 : QUEENSWhere stories live. Discover now