Hoe Problems

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Paris woke up on a hammock, on Xavier's yacht .. He laid behind her, sleeping ..

There was fog surrounding them and although she didn't know the time .. she knew it was early in the morning ..

Immediately sitting up, she startled Xavier out of his sleep as she looked around her ..

"What are you doin ?" He asked, his voice raspy from his deep slumber ..

"Where are we?" She asked, getting out of the hammock ..

"Right in my back yard, you was tired so I let you sleep .. I just didn't expect it to be all night .." He laughed ..

Picking up her phone, Paris noticed Justine had been calling her .. even texting, scared that somethin may have been wrong, Paris dismissed herself and headed inside to make a phone call ..

Hearing Justine's voice, Paris was slightly relieved ..

"Is everything okay ?" Was her first question ..

"Have you talked to Shane ? This girl has been outside of my house for the past hour !! I keep telling her I don't know where he is but she won't listen .. she keeps insisting that he's here !!" Justine said

"Who?" Paris asked as she watched Xavier enter the room ..

"Marsella !! Apparently, Shane didn't come home last night and she thinks he's here .. I've told her to leave but she won't .. she's knocking on the door, calling the house phone and blowing her horn out front .." Justine replied

Sighing, Paris rolled her eyes "You called Shane ?" She asked

"Yes, no answer .." She said

"And where's security ?" Paris asked as she slid into her white Chanel slides ..

"I let them go home last night, they should be back in another hour .." Justine replied

"I'm on my way .." Paris said before disconnecting the call

"What's wrong ?" Xavier asked

"I have to go .." Paris said as she went to gather her belongings ..

"Why?" Frowning, X asked in confusion

"Shane's little girlfriend or whatever she is is throwing a fit outside of his moms house and he's not answering the phone .." She said

"Okay and ?" He asked

"And I need to go handle it .." She replied, putting on her clothes

"How is that your problem Paris ?" He asked

"That's my kids grandmother, who is also fighting for her life right now.. the last thing she needs is stress and Shane is not answering .." She said, her eyes begging him to understand ..

"I was gonna cook breakfast for you.." He said

"You still can, I'll be right back .. can you drive me to shore please ?" She asked, picking up her cell she attempted to call Shane again ..

She could tell Xavier was annoyed but she knew that was a whole nother conversation that would for sure present itself again in the near future ..

She felt a tinge of relief when she felt the boat begin to move, for sure that X was going to put up more of a fight than he had ..

Once close enough, Paris barely let him dock good before she attempted to get off of the boat ..

"What time should I expect you back ?" He asked, watching her scurry off in a hurry ..

"A hour or two, not long .." Giving him a quick kiss she headed towards the house, leaving Xavier on the boat ..

The entire drive to Justine's house she attempted to call Shane, after a while of not being able to reach him she called Shamar. But she got the voicemail from him too ..

Sighing, Paris gave up and sped to her mother in laws house as quick as possible .. She felt like she was running of of liquor, fumes & approximately 4 hours of sleep and the last thing she felt like doing was dealing with Shane's bitch ..

Pulling into the yard, she watched as Marsella got out of her car .. parking directly in front of her, Paris got out and walked over to her ..

A cool breeze came through causing Paris to pull her jacket tighter around her body as she approached Marsella ..

"What are you doin ?" Paris asked, getting straight to the point ..

"I need to talk to Shane .." She said

"Well Shane isn't in there, so you need to leave .."
P replied, gesturing towards the exit ..
Hoping olé girl would leave without a fuss because she wasn't in the mood ..

"Not until I hear from him .." She quickly replied

Sighing, Paris rolled her eyes .. "Listen, I'm not asking no more .. get the fuck off of this property before I drag you off of it .." Walking closer to Marsella, Paris never broke eye contact ..

But just as she we was about to come face to face with her, she felt two sets of hands pull her back ..

"What's goin on here ?" She heard her brother in law ask..

It was his set of hands that had saved Marsella ..

"Where's Shane?!" Marsella asked ..

"I'm right here, what's goin on ?" He asked, approaching the the small group that had formed in his moms front yard

"Why you haven't been answering your damn phone ?" Paris asked, approaching her soon to be ex husband with nothin but anger in her tone ..

"I was in a meeting, now somebody tell me what the hell goin on .." He demanded, his voice getting slightly louder ..

"I've been calling you all damn mornin, you couldn't answer your damn phone ?" Marsella asked, approaching Shane ..

"I told you I was gonna be in a fuckin meetin all mornin !! This what this shit about ?!" Walking closer to her, Shane looked down into her eyes in disbelief..

"How do I know that's where you really were ?!" She asked ..

Frowning, Shane grabbed her arm .. guiding her towards her car .. "Head to the house .. I'll be there in a minute .." He said, his voice calm but laced with irritation ..

"Shane.." Marsella called his name, but was quickly cut off as Shane pushed her up against her car door ..

"It ain't no fuckin debate .. Go !!" He said, then he walked away ..

"Keep your bitches under control Shane, your mom don't need this kind of stress !!" Paris said as she walked up to Shane ..

"I'll handle her .." He said, watching Marsella pull out of the driveway ..

"The same way you handled Bethany ?" She asked with attitude, heading for her car ..

Grabbing her arm, Shane pulled her up against him .. "The fuck that's supposed to mean ?" He asked, looking down at her ..

Shaking her head, she actually didn't even mean to say it out loud .. "Nothin, I'm gone .." She said attempting to avoid the whole conversation ..

But Shane wasn't goin .. and she knew it wouldn't be that easy ..

Gripping her arm a little tighter, he guided her off to the side so that they could talk in private ..

"What was that about ?" He asked ..

"What's the update on her ?" She asked ..

"You don't trust me no more?" He asked

"I do .." She replied

"Well, stop lettin other mu'fuckas in your ear .. I told you I'm gonna handle it and that's what I meant .." Letting her arm go, he headed back to his car and drove off ..


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