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Justine's would be home for a while, considering Shane was still recovering. Justine couldn't move around as good as she used to. And the kids wanted to be with their dad. It was an easy decision for her. All of their homes were built with family suites included for situations just as this.

Kelsey, and Shamar would be staying with their kids also. And to be honest, that's what she felt Justine needed at the moment. To have everyone around.

Shamar Sr. had barbecued and all of the kids were outside in the pool. Justine sat not far away with a smile on her face that warmed Paris' heart. They had no control over how she left this unfair world but what they did have control over they made sure it was at her satisfaction.

"So I was thinking .." Justine said, her eyes low from the medicinal marijuana she was puffin on ... "The New Year is right around the corner, and more than likely it'll be my last one. So I was thinking, I want to get all dressed up and I want to celebrate my very last New Year. I don't want to spend it here at this house." She frowned, as if the thought alone pissed her off ..

"How about, a black tie attire New Years Eve Party. We can have donation machines set up throughout the party, all proceeds will go to a cancer foundation of the donators choice. They will have multiple options but all of them are cancer research foundations .." Paris suggested, she already had the decor picked out in her head ..

"I love that !!" Justine said, her smile growing even bigger ..

"Well Paris can handle the invitations and decor, I'll handle everything else .. is there anything else in particular you want?" Kelsey asked ..

"And Christmas, with my grandkids .. I'll die a happy woman .." She replied

Those words were sharp, this words went right through Paris' and Kelsey's heart. Those words, were sharp as a knife. Those words took the breath right from out of their lungs.

"I'm gonna go check on Shane .." Paris said, as she got up to head inside of the house

But that was just an excuse to get away, she really wanted to get away before she started crying. Her hormones were starting to kick into overdrive which meant she couldn't even get hungry without crying about it.

"Okay, I'm gonna get ready and head upstairs .. I need a nap .." She replied ..

"I'll get Shamar to help you upstairs .." Kelsey said, as Paris headed inside ..

The walk inside and upstairs to their suite gave her some time to get a few tears out. She didn't want to be caught being all emotional. She had to hold herself together even when she felt like she couldn't.

She began looking for Shane as soon as she entered the suite. He wasn't in the living area so she knew she would find him in the bedroom. When she opened the double doors, she was met with a cloud so potent it even cause her to cough. Fanning the fumes from her face, she closed the doors behind her then made her way over to the bed.

"So you're gonna lay in here and get high the rest of the night ?" Paris asked, still whisking the clouds of smoke away from her face as she sat down in front of Shane ..

"Why not ?" He smiled, as he exhaled more smoke into the air ..

Laying down in front of him, she rested her hand in her palm as she took him in. She was just thankful that he was there.

"I heard you got proposed to today .." Shane said, breaking her gaze. He searched her face for a reaction, but she didn't give one.

Nodding, Paris watched as he took another hit of his blunt.

"That's what I came up here to talk to you about .." She said, exhaling ..

"What ?" He asked

"I need to know, are we still getting a divorce ? Are we still separated ?" She asked

"I haven't been myself lately Paris, so if I ever made you feel unappreciated, unwanted, unloved, anything of the sort .. I apologize .. You know me, but I know me even better and I honestly was only tryin to protect you. After what you did for me, I didn't want to disappoint you again but I still did it unintentionally. At this point, I'll do whatever you want me to do to right my wrongs .." Grabbing her hand, he kissed the inside of her palm sending chills throughout her body ..

Sighing, she wasn't ready for his answer but she asked anyway "Marriage counseling, twice a week ?" She asked ..

Paris could see it in his face he didn't want to agree, but at this point he was on her terms. He had no room to negotiate. She had him wrapped around her finger and didn't even know it.

Exasperated, he ran his hand across his face ..

"I'll do it .." He said

Raising her left eyebrow, she was surprised at his answer. She expected an objection, followed by an excuse .. but she got neither.

"I'm not sayin shits gonna be perfect Paris, but I'll do whatever you want me to do to figure it out .." He said, his voice calm..

She could see in his eyes, the demons he was fighting . But she didn't care as long as he was willing to let her help him fight them.

He swiped the single tear off of her cheek, she closed her eyes. Which only caused more tears to fall.

She wiped them away just as fast as they had fell.
Sighing, she fought against her hormones. She didn't want him to see just how vulnerable she was.

"How did you know I was pregnant ?" She asked

Shane laughed, looking her up and down he felt his dick jump "I know your body better than you know your body Paris. Inside and out." He replied, his voice filled with arrogance ..

But as cocky as he may have been, he was right ..
It wasn't even just about the sex, he fucked her in more ways than she could count. Shane was her twin flame. She knew exactly why every woman he fucked with didn't want to let him go. It was embarrassing, but she understood. He had a way with people. He had a way with words. He had a way with his hands.

It was easy to fall victim, but everybody has a breaking point.

Grabbing Paris by the waist, He pulled her closer to him so that they were now face to face. Sliding his hand up her thigh and into her shorts. Shane gently rubbed her clit through her lace pantys with his thumb until he felt the material moisten. Still mine. He thought to himself.

He kissed along her jawline until his lips met her ear, "She miss me ?" He asked, the bass of his voice causing her to shiver ..

Closing her eyes, Paris bit her lip and nodded her head.  She bit it so hard she damn near drew blood. The tension that was continuing to build between the two of them was too much.

His thumb made its way past the sheer material, massaging her clit in a circular motion. The look on her face was love, he didn't need nothin else. Then without warning he stopped. Opening her eyes, Paris looked at him in disapproval.

"What ?" She whined

"I can't do what I wanna do to you right now, so I'm gonna wait till I can .." He replied, placing another kiss on her mouth ..

Then there was a knock on the door, Paris sighed as she got up from the bed. "I got it .." She said as she made her way to the door ..

Smiling, she invited her father in law in .. "Hey, you enjoying these kids taking over your house ?" She asked ..

"I'm lovin it, actually .." He replied with a grin as he looked around ..

"You lookin for your son ?" She asked

"Where is he ?" He asked

"In here .." Paris said, leading him to the bedroom ..

Shane was sitting up watching tv in bed, still smoking as his eyes shifted to his dad.

"Can we talk ?" Shamar Sr asked, as he glared at his son ..

Exhaling the Kush fumes into the air between them, Shane hesitated. Then he passed his dad the blunt he was smoking. "Let's talk .." He replied

"I'll give y'all some privacy .." Paris said, as she closed the doors ..

She sat in the den as they had their talk. She was only hoping it was some steps forward and not backwards.

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