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For the second morning in a row, Paris woke up to the other side of her and Shane's bed empty.

Although he was spending more time with the kids, more time at home and more time with her.

He still felt absent. He was there physically but his mind was somewhere else. In bed by 2am and out of bed by 6am, he was also barely sleeping.

It was 1 day before Justine's funeral and they had family flying in. Arrangements had been made for all family to stay at Justine's with Shamar Sr.

Kelsey and Paris had everything precisely planned out, but they always anticipated hiccups.

Still buried under their thick plush comforter, Paris was mentally preparing herself for their hectic day. Her phone began to ring, interrupting her thoughts.

She pushed the cover from her face, and grabbed her cell phone from the nightstand.

That's when she saw it, hopping out of the bed she ran into the bathroom. She didn't even bother answering Kelsey's call as she quickly began her mourning hygiene routine. Her and Kelsey were supposed to be at Justine's house getting the house together for the family but she had overslept. Her alarm didn't even go off, and it was only a hour left until their flight landed.

'Just fuckin GREAT!!' She thought to herself ..

Paris had just finished brushing her teeth and washing her face when Shane walked into the bathroom. In a pair of basketball shorts, he was covered in sweat, she could tell he had just gotten done working out.

Shane woke up every morning at 5am to work out. No matter the day it was, no matter what his schedule looked like. The first thing he did in the morning, 5am sharp, was work out.

"I know, my alarm didn't go off .. I'm about to leave now .." She said, sliding past him ..

Grabbing her by the hand, he stopped her ..
"I turned your alarm off Paris .." He said

"Why?" She frowned

"Paris, you fell asleep in the tub last night .. " He replied..

"I was suppose to be helping Kelsey with the house this morning.." She said..

"Well I hired some people to do it. Kelsey on her way over here, you pregnant .. it's people that can do all that shit for you, so let them .." He said as he walked over to the shower and turned it on

Crossing her arms across her chest, "I'm not the only one who needs some sleep .." She said

But Shane ignored her, just as he did anytime she made a suggestion regarding his well being.

"Marta got breakfast ready downstairs, go eat .. the kids already ate .." He said

Rolling her eyes, Paris left out of the bathroom closing the door behind her. She honestly didn't know how he was coping with his moms death.

He seemed to be fine besides the not sleeping. But other than that, he seemed to be handling it better than she thought he would. However, that was based solely on what she saw. Shane was never one to show any kind of weakness, he had lost plenty of people. But this one, had to have hit different.

Shane didn't talk about it, he didn't want to talk about it so Paris gave him space. She was halfway downstairs when the double door entrance to their home opened and in walked Kelsey, Shamar and their two kids.

Out of everyone Kelsey seemed to be taking the loss of Justine the hardest. It was no secret Kelsey didn't care for her biological mom, Justine was all she knew. She was the only thing to a real mom she ever had.

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