KuroKen x TsukiYama (a request) but yams n kenma r besties 😳

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[ Thank you @skye_rie for the request! I enjoyed writing your previous Teru x Daishou request 👌

This ain't a chatting one agaiin

The four of them are shopping sskkdkskw

e n j o y ]

Kenma walking next to Yams : "Hey Tadashi, what kinda clothes do you wear?"

Yama blushing slightly : "W- well I do wear Tsukki's clothes a lot.."

Tsukki : *chokes on octo dumplings while he walks behind them*

Kuroo walking beside Tsukki : "Damn I didn't know you had a boyfriend's shirt kink~"

Tsukki : "It's not a kink.."

Yama : "Y- yeah! I mean, Tsukki's clothes just fit me alot soo-"

Kenma doing a sassy hair flip and walking faster : "Good. Your boyfriend apparently only wears plain clothes. Let me show you how real fashionistas dress."

Yama catching up to him : "Kenma-san wait!"

Tsukki : "..... did he just call me a 'plain bitch'?"

Kuroo : "You'll get used to it."

Tsukki : "Sorry but I'm not a rooster haired bitch who's immune to sass and verbal abuse"

Kuroo : "You do realize that you're describing your own personality right?"

Tsukki : "You do realize that you're pissing me off-"

Kuroo pulling out his phone : "Oh won't you look at that, Kenma texted me and asked the both of us to carry their bags."

Tsukki : "It hasn't even been 5 minutes yet... how the fuck do they already have bags-"

Kuroo dragging Tsukki to Yams and Kenma's current location : "Less talking, more walking."

Kenma carrying 5 bags of H&M clothes and shoving 3 of them to Kuroo : "Carry these, peasant"

Kuroo : "Call me babe, not peasant ;-;"

Kenma : "Yeah yeah, thanks babe"

Yama carrying 10 bags : "Sorry Tsukki, Kenma-san gave me all of these"

Tsukki grabbing 5 of his bags : "Why didn't you tell me these were heavy?"

Yama : "It's not that heavy, but thanks for helping babe"

Tsukki blushing slightly : "Don't mention it.."

Tsukki : "And where does Kozume-san get all these money from?"

Kenma : "YouTube."

Kuroo : "He has a gaming channel"

Yama : "You have a channel? That's amazing!"

Kenma : "It's not that popular though, I only make a few bucks."

Yama : "But it's still awesome! What games do you usually play?"

Kenma : "Well... I play underrated games and sometimes popular ones..."

Yama and Kenma : *talks about games and stuff, leaving their poor boyfriends behind*

Tsukki : "... This is the first time Yamaguchi has ever left me for another guy"

Kuroo : "... This is the first time Kenma carries his own stuff"

Tsukki glancing at Kuroo : "You poor fucker"

Kuroo looking back at Tsukki : "Your extremely healthy relationship with Tadashi scares me"


Here's a headcanon : Tsukki and Yams' relationship is extremely healthy and wholesome

Meanwhile Kenma and Kuroo's relationship is like master and slave.

Torturing semes is my kink.


The next chapter will be @WholesomeYaoi's request aka KageHina

Woopdie doo, my viewers are decreasing! Well at least I know there's you who's still reading this! Yes, I'm pointing at you, my reader dude

And I'm totally not super dedicated to this book because I'm afraid that my readers will someday say "I'm bored of this" and leave-

And I'm totally not updating frequently because I'm obsessed with my readers' amount of entertaining comments, views, and votes-

And I totally not fearing that the numbers of views will keep on decreasing until it reaches zero-

Seriously tho, I genuinely enjoy writing this. Even though it's cringey and low quality, it's my passion and hobby.

I don't want to take writing seriously, so I created this book just for fun.

The reason I frequently comment on my readers' comment is because I treasure them a lot. I feel more connected to y'all...

Dammit- I love y'all too much- y'all make me really happy-

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