Chapter 48 - Finding strength

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Not fast enough, the staff I yelled at eventually walked in with Dr. Greene who was carrying several bags. Cool as a cucumber, the doctor assessed Julian immediately upon her arrival. She nodded at Vermilion's handiwork and hooked Julian onto an IV drop and ECG monitor she retrieved from one of the many bags she brought.

Angelo's phone chose this moment to interrupt us, the persistent buzzing continued even when the prince has rejected the call twice. On the third call, Angelo growled and almost smashed his phone on the ground if I had not taken it from him.

Yves: Woah ho, Elizabeth. Angelo and you need to get your asses to The Liminality now. Sir Brandon and Sir Marco are going to find you and kill you.

Elizabeth: Julian has been attacked. He's getting treatment at the Black Market.

Yves: What the holy macarons. How is he?

I glanced at the boy in question and bit down on my lips. Honestly, Julian Makatski appeared to be a goner as much as I hated saying that, it is difficult to hope for the better.

Elizabeth: I really don't know.

Yves: Yosef! Julian's injured. What should we do?

The brothers discussed, bits of their conversation flowing into the phone. As predicted, Yosef is the calmer brother and rationally provided a solution.

Yosef: Elizabeth, let Angelo go to The Liminality first. You wait till Julian is better and then make your way together to the hotel. Clear?

Angelo was in a serious discussion with Dr. Greene, his face blank. They were out of my hearing range but from the series of nods and sighs Angelo gave, the tension was leaving him in trickles. He gave me hope that Julian will be okay.

Elizabeth: Yes, I understand. I planned to be there anyways, see you soon.

When I got to the prince's side, he was definitely more at ease than when we first got here, with his movements less forced. Angelo changed his focus to me as I came to his side, tossing him the mobile. "Leave, Angelo. You're needed at the hotel." I informed, walking over to Julian.

"Are we going to leave Julian Makatski in this fucked-up place?" The prince retorted, crossing his arms and assessing the place with unconcealed dislike. Vermilion slapped the back of his head, sneering. "I saved your royalty scum, you ungrateful son of a bitch. Get out!" At this rate, either one of them will die faster than Julian, who was already hanging onto his life with a thread.

Getting an okay sign from the doctor, I grabbed Angelo's hand and forced him to leave the room with me. The prince gave in to me and interlocked our hands while following me out. "I'll be there at the hotel when Julian recovers." My finger poked his chest as I tilted my head to look at him in the eye. Confusion coloured his face for the first time, folding the space in between his brows. "I thought we were going together." The "we" ran a jolt of electricity up my body. His words made me feel like we are a team.

I shook my head, "Nope. You are going alone. They need the heir." Angelo's lips moved by a fraction but he made no noise. Blinking rapidly, the vivid emotions or as vivid as one could get from him were gone. The expressionless mask slipped on and he was back to being the heartless prince. "I'll be expecting you." Angelo unclasped our interlocked fingers and walked off.

The analog clock ticked, its noise amplified in the soundproof room. On one side of the room, there is a huge pinboard taking up the entire length. Elaborated dragon designs stood out to me from the overlaying pieces of tattoo designs pinned on both sides of it.

I have never gotten any tattoos because I had never found anything that I am willing to commit to for life. Some people will say that I was being too serious but they were also the people who had to endure additional pain as they got their drunk tattoos removed. But now, I might have found something worth inking on my body.

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