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The bar is packed, tables set up all over the place filled with different groups of people. There is a small dance floor in the center where a few couples are dancing to the hip hop music that is playing, the overall atmosphere something I have become accustomed to over the years.

"I'm so glad they decided to have this at Thursday Party" I admit as we walk through the familiar bar to the loud group of people I am assuming are his classmates.

Jimin nods beside me, his grip on my hand tightening as he tries to stay as close to me as he can. We spent another thirty minutes in the car just talking, it clear that Jimin needed to hear that after how he had reacted. It took a little convincing, and I'm still not sure if he fully believes me, but at least I talked him out of feeling guilty for me being so nice to him. I just don't understand how such an amazing person can feel so negatively about himself.

He almost convinced me to take him home without us even going in to join the others. He's a pretty emotional person, but that just adds on to his overall charm. I convinced him to go in for a little bit since they were expecting him to show up and we were already here, but he refused to let go of my hand. I don't mind, the warmth emanating from his palm putting me at ease. His other hand is holding onto my arm as well, his head resting comfortably on my shoulder.

"Let's order you a drink first" I suggest before leading the way to the bar, taking a seat on one of the stools while Jimin stays standing by my side. I let go of his hand and instead wrap both of my arms around his waist, the soft fabric of his jacket tickling my cheek as it rests against it.

"What can I get for you?" the pretty bartender asks as she comes to a stop in front of the two of us, her fingers grasping a white towel. I watch as she dries off her hands, not bothering to answer. I raise an eyebrow as Jimin stutters over his order, an amused smirk spreading across my face at how nervous he still seems to be around others.

He groans, "I don't even have to be looking at you to know that you're laughing at me."

"It's ok, hun" I chuckle, squeezing him a little tighter as the bartender makes his drink. "I think your shyness is adorable."

He groans again and I laugh, standing up when the woman slides his drink across the bar to us. Jimin wraps his small hands around the glass and I take out my wallet to pay for it, giving her a nice tip as well. I've been to enough bars to know that their job is hard, and they don't often get the tips that they deserve for all the shit they have to put up with. She smiles at me in thanks and I can't help but wink at her in response, the small habit I picked up over the years slipping out.

I turn to see Jimin pouting at me because of what I did, my eyes rolling as I nudge him slightly. "Don't give me that look. We made eye-contact and it happened, it didn't mean anything."

"I mean, she is pretty" he grumbles as he starts walking over to where his classmates are, him only stopping when I go up to him and wrap my arm around his waist.

"Come on, hun. There's nothing to be jealous of. I admit that she is pretty, but she's not my type."

"And what is your type?" he questions, still refusing to look at me. I still catch a glimpse of his smug smile before he schools his expression though, a smirk lifting up the corners of my lips as I lean in towards him.

"I think you know exactly what my type is."

I leave a soft peck on his cheek before backing up, watching in amusement as Jimin giggles at the action. I still have no clue as to how I got someone like him to even give me the time of day, let alone want to be in a relationship with me. I remove my arm from around his waist in order to run my fingers through his hair, the two of us ending up close together as we finally make it to the dance class's table.

"Jimin!" one of the guys yells, the entire table erupting in drunken greetings as the conversation stops and all eyes turn to us. "We were worried you weren't gunna show up."

Jimin's smile is small and a little timid as he says hi to everyone that he knows, his embarrassment showing up in the form of a rosy blush that travels from his cheeks down to his neck. We were a little late as it was when we first showed up, the talk we had putting us even further behind schedule. I wanted to wait until Jimin's eyes had lost the red around the outside so that they wouldn't know that he was crying earlier as well, so it's not a surprise to me that they had thought he decided not to come.

I look around as we take a seat and are offered some of the draft beer they had ordered beforehand. Everyone seems at least a little bit tipsy, if not drunk, and their smiles look genuine. After about twenty minutes of chatting with his classmates and listening to their retellings of practice room mess-ups, I find myself noticing that Jimin seems a little bit uncomfortable in this setting, which I find really strange.

Even though I've been having to get to know him from the beginning again, I can tell that Jimin is normally a very sociable person. At the dinner we had with all my friends, he had laughed and joked around as if he had no worries in the world. Even when we would go to places that required us to talk to groups of people we were't necessarily that familiar with he had only been awkward for a couple minutes before he could have full-length conversations with them.

As I watch him now from my seat next to him, he is being relatively quiet and reserved. I told him that he could drink as much as he wanted tonight, and I know that he can drink a lot, but he is still sipping on his first drink. He hasn't really contributed much to the conversation at all, only giving short answers when one of the students asks him something. I can't help but wonder what is so different about this group of people that has him acting so timidly.

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