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I wake up to the sound of beeping, the steady rhythm annoying to my sensitive ears. It takes a little while of me just laying here listening to the sound before I can remember what happened, the beeping speeding up slightly as I relive the truck barreling towards me before connecting with the side of my car. I had felt pain only for a little while before everything went black, it incredibly lucky that I'm not in any sort of pain or discomfort right now. The smell of disinfectant is strong in this room, so it's more than obvious that I am in a hospital. I can also smell the faint scent of flowers in the air, it making me think that someone had brought them in for me. My parents couldn't have been the ones to do it, so I wonder who it was.

I had been so annoyed by the constant beeping coming from the heart monitor that I hadn't realized that someone was talking, their voice soft in the quiet room. They appear to be having a conversation with another male, my eyes opening a crack when my curiosity gets the better of me.

"It's been a month" one of the men says softly, a frown on his face as he looks down at the floor beneath him. "What if she never wakes up? What if I ended up killing her?"

Is he the guy that ran into me? I can't help but think as I look him over, suddenly very interested in him. I have never seen him before, but I'm a little upset that I haven't seeing as he's super hot. I'd be willing to forgive him for putting me in the hospital just based on his looks, even if what he said about me being unconscious for a month is correct. My eyes trail over his form before I look over at the friend he was talking to, finding him to be just as visually stunning.

He sighs, "don't beat yourself up over this because It wasn't your fault. She's going to wake up, and she will probably say the same thing when she does."

Ok, now I'm just confused. Was this the guy that plowed into me or not? If it is, it totally was his fault that I'm in this state, but I'm wiling to forgive him. If it isn't, maybe he had tried to help me out after the crash and ended up making it worse. Either way, I'd still be willing to forgive the poor guy. I'm obviously not all that hurt, the only thing that happened being that I was no doubt in some sort of a coma for a month. He looks like he's about to cry, me deciding it's time to put him out of his misery.

"Don't cry, gorgeous" I pipe up, my voice coming out raspy from lack of use. "I'm obviously fine."

"Holy shit!" the crying guy's friend yells in shock as they both jump and turn towards me, their eyes wide as they scramble out of their seats in order to stand next to my bed.

"How are you feeling? Do you need water? Do you want to sit up? What can I do to help you?"

I bite my lip as I let my eyes trail over the male in front of me, his hands wiping away at the tears that had started trickling down his cheeks. His friend left, probably off to go find a doctor, it only the two of us in the room now. He really is hot, it taking everything in me not to stare for too long. It's really hard though, considering I have always taken the time to admire beauty when I see it.

"What can you do to help?" I repeat his question, pretending to think as I glance down his body before slowly bringing my eyes back up to his face. "I can think of a few things."

Ok, I need to stop

If what they were talking about earlier is true, I have been asleep for a month now. I probably look like shit, but I find myself smirking in amusement as I watch his cheeks turn pink. He looks down as he kicks the ground with the tip of his shoe and I take the time to look around the hospital room some more.

The room isn't white like I expected it to be, but rather a pale pink color. My parents never liked paying for my trips to the hospital before, but it looks like they were actually worried about me this time. They went all out, the room absolutely massive with comfy chairs for guests to sit on and a large bathroom. The TV positioned in front of the hospital bed is a large flatscreen, the sound muted as my favorite show plays. I look to my left and see where the smell of flowers was coming from, seeing a ton of bouquets beside me. There are some hand-made cards there as well, it making me smile that my friends put in the effort to make them for me.

"Where are my parents?" I ask the man, the sound of my voice causing him to look up at me once again. I'm assuming that he must have met them since he seems to have been in here a lot, him confirming my thoughts when he answers.

"They went out to pick up Cassi. Her car got a flat, but she wanted to come up to visit. They should be here shortly."

So I was right. He must have gotten to know everyone while he was here, but that information just made me even more confused. If my parents really were here and met him, he can't be the one that was driving the truck that hit me. Even if they don't like me all that much, they would have sued the shit out of whoever it was that put me in this state. I doubt they would have allowed him to be within one hundred meters of me, so I'm not sure why he was saying that this was all his fault. Maybe my theory of him trying to help out after the initial crash is correct.

"The doctor is on his way" the guy's friend announces as he jogs back into the room, his eyes finding mine as I sit up slightly. He smiles and I find myself smiling back, albeit a little hesitant, looking back and forth between the two handsome strangers as I do so.

"No offense or anything, but I have no clue who either of you are. Would you mind introducing yourselves?"

The taller of the two laughs before he sees my expression and stops, his eyes widening as he turns towards his friend in shock. At first it appears as if he is surprised that his friend didn't introduce himself, but when I look closer I get confused all over again. The guy I had been talking to looks like he wants to cry all over again, his eyes holding disbelief as well as what appears to be horror. I watch as he steps closer to the side of my bed, his eyes beginning to water as he takes my hand in his.

"I-it's me, noona. It's Jimin."

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