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It's loud in here, and I find myself really wanting a beer to cope with all of the people that are talking and laughing around me. I've been standing here for the past forty minutes texting Jaebum on my phone because I don't know anyone, and I've about had it. Jimin obviously couldn't be out here to keep me company because he's in the showcase and has to get ready, and I will admit that I thought about leaving three times since I got here.

That would make me feel horrible though. I promised Jimin that I would watch him, so that's what I will do. I probably could have just dropped him off and then came back before it was about to start, but I wanted to make sure that I got a good seat.

I rub at my temples to try and stop the headache I can feel coming on, a slight scowl on my face as I do so. That's when I notice a familiar figure walking towards me with a smile on his face, his presence making me a little skeptical. I haven't spoken to him all that much since the get-together, so I'm not sure how things will play out now that he's here.

"Hey, Chloe" he says with a grin, his arms wrapping around me in a brief hug. I freeze in place, only able to move after he has let go and taken a few steps away from me. He is still smiling at me as if we do this all of the time, my confusion growing even more as I frown.

"Hi, offense, but everyone keeps telling me that we hate each other, so I'm a little confused as to the warm welcome."

The tall male chuckles at my revelation before nodding, my eyebrows creasing as he continues to smile. I watch silently as he looks around to make sure that there isn't anyone close enough to overhear our conversation, him then leaning in as he lowers the volume of his voice ever so slightly. "You see, the day you got into the accident we kind of fucked and then I told you about why I hated you. I've decided hating you wastes way too much energy, so I'm trying the whole 'being nice' thing for a change."

I blink, "we fucked?"

He nods.

I blink again, "seriously?"

He nods again as I look him over from his shoes to the top of his head, his smile wavering at my incredulous expression. I don't mean to make him think that I'm not into him or something like that, but it's a little hard to believe that I would sleep with someone like him.

Now, there is no denying how attractive Kim Taehyung is. His hair is a natural shade of dark brown that does an extremely good job of showing off how deliciously tan his skin is. He has eyes that effortlessly draw you in without him even having to try, the deep brown color giving way for subtle caramel flecks if you get close enough. His body is lean, it more than apparent that he takes good care of himself. He isn't overly muscular or anything, but toned just enough to draw your attention to his tall frame. I would openly admit that Taehyung is hot, I'm just confused as to what events led up to me sleeping with the guy.

I obviously don't really know much about him with the inconvenient memory loss and stuff, but I have gotten a pretty good look at his personality during the time I have been out of the hospital. Taehyung is a relatively open guy. He cares a lot about his friends, and he's always among one of the first to start laughing when a joke is told. He also has his intimidating side though. Sometimes he gets lost in thought, his face going blank as he internally processes whatever it is that goes on in that mind of his. His deep voice just adds to his overall appeal, it succeeding in sending shivers down my spine on numerous occasions.

I just can't see myself having sex with him though. I'm naturally drawn to men like Jimin because I prefer being in control. I would much rather give someone else pleasure over receiving it, the satisfaction of someone putting their trust in me to make them cum more than sufficient. There is no doubt in my mind that Taehyung is a dom. Yeah, I admit that the prospect of trying to get him to become submissive for me is kinda hot, but I highly doubt that would ever happen. I must have been going through a lot at the time.

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