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"Took you long enough" is his gruff reply, the breath I was holding being released as I sag against the top of his mahogany desk. I can rest easy now that I know he isn't in the house, all of the fears I had about being called over here to get beaten leaving me as I relax.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting" I answer immediately, not wanting to push my new-found luck. "What did you want to discuss?"

I don't ask him why he called me on his office phone, or why he told me to go to the house when he wasn't going to be there. It is really easy to piss my father off, and I have learned the hard way that it's better not to question him at all. The sound of cars and honking horns draws my attention to his side of the call, it clear that he is in heavy traffic somewhere.

"You took too long to get here and your mother and I needed to go to a meeting" he says tersely. "We wanted to talk to you about the marriage proposal and see if your opinion on it has changed."

I swallow, knowing that there is only one right answer when it comes to him. He wants me to say yes. He has never cared about what I like, or what I wanted to do. Everything he does is about himself and what will benefit him in the long run, his mind not changing in the slightest over the years. When I was younger, I would complain about all of the things he would make me do. I was tired of never getting to do anything I wanted, and I let that be known. After being hit until I couldn't stand up anymore every time I disagreed with him, I stopped going against his wishes.

He expects me to bow down to whatever he says. He expects me to be a good little girl and go along with this stupid wedding because he knows it would be good for him and his company. I can't do it though. I can't subject myself to living out the rest of my life with my tormentor just because my dad told me to.

"I can't do it, dad" I say shakily, knowing that nothing good will come from my refusal.

"And why the hell not?" his booming voice sounds from the other line, making me flinch and pull the receiver away from my ear. I hear a muffled voice on his side and then some movement, my mother's clipped voice sounding in my ear now.

"Chloe, don't be ridiculous. We pay for your college as well as your living arrangements. We are the ones paying for all of your clothes, food, and your car as well. Do you really want us to take all of that away from you?"

No, I don't want that. It makes me seem lazy, or like I lack independence, but that's how I was raised. I never had to lift a finger, and that has effected the way I look at things now. I have never had to even think about getting a job or supplying for myself, and the thought that they might take all of that away from me is fucking scary. I would literally be homeless without any money or a means for transportation, and I don't know if I'm ready for that.

I do know, however, that I can't let that ruin my life. I would take becoming poor over having to live out the rest of my life with Seokjung any day, no matter how frightened that prospect makes me. I know that I have friends who would be willing to help me get my feet back on the ground, so I'm gunna have to put my trust in them.

"I won't do it" I stress, now desperate to get my point across. "I would rather die than marry that monster."

She sighs, "I tried being nice, but maybe we need to have a longer chat when we get back. Hopefully he will be able to convince you before we return."

"He?" I question, suddenly not as confident as I was before. "W-who are you talking about?"

I don't get an answer and my blood runs cold, chills raising goosebumps on my arms as I pull the phone away from my ear and look down at the screen just to find it blank. I continue to stare down at it in shock over the fact that she just hung up on me like that, my heart beating rapidly as it tries to escape the confines of my chest. The sudden sense of dread I am feeling is almost enough to make me pass out from anxiety right here and now, it taking everything in me not to drop the phone as I lower it down to the desk once more. My whole body is shaking as I turn around so that I am facing the door of the study, my eyes wide as I take in the lone figure leaning up against the doorway.

"You'd rather die than marry me, huh?" Seokjung asks with a smile, the darkness in his eyes making my brain cease to function properly.

I didn't even hear him come in, his footsteps muffled by the thick carpet. I hadn't even known that he was here, his car nowhere in sight when I drove up here. I can feel it as my body freezes up despite me telling myself to run, his knowing smirk rendering me powerless. He's blocking the only exit out of here, and I know that I am not strong enough to fight him off once he decides he wants to go after me.

He takes slow steps towards me and it's like my entire body goes numb, the room around me spinning as I fall into a panic attack. It's as if I can't get enough air into my lugs, it difficult to draw in oxygen as he stalks closer to me. The walls of the room bare down on me and I feel as if I am being crushed, my head pounding with pain. Sounds around me are muffled as well, it as if I am submerged underwater while Seokjung is trying to talk to me from above the glassy surface.

"I can't allow you to die on me before I have a chance to ruin you."

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