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"How many people have you had sex with, noona?"

My eyes widen and I sputter, the water I was drinking going down the wrong pipe and causing me to choke. Jimin rubs my back as I cough, quickly excepting the napkin he hands me to wipe my face.

"What the fuck, Jimin?" I get out as my coughing slows down. "Where the Hell did that come from?"

He shrugs as he glances down at his phone, his finger clicking on the power button to shut it off when I go to look at it over his shoulder. I frown to myself at how weird he is being but don't comment on it, writing another mental note and storing it in the back of my mind.

It's been a few days since his parents' party, and he's been acting strangely around me as of late. For one, he's always on his phone texting someone. When I asked him about it he said he was just talking to the friends he kept in contact with over the years, but he never explains why he is spending so much time talking to them when we are together.

He's more reserved than usual as well, and he always seems to have something bad to say about himself. Just the other day he asked me if he was ugly, which I promptly hit him upside the head for. He's also been asking me weird questions about my past and what I do when I see someone attractive, which brings us back to the question he randomly asked me just now.

"I just wanted to know" he says with another shrug, taking a bite of the black bean noodles we ordered. His parents had gone out on a date and won't be home until later tonight, so he invited me over. I continue to look at him from my spot next to him on the couch in the living room, still not sure why he's acting like this.

"Can I just say a lot and leave it at that?" I joke, my smile fading when he turns and glares at me. I put my hands up in surrender as to not start a useless argument or something, now completely on edge since he appears so touchy tonight.

"I don't keep track or anything, but you know what I was like before, hun. I would say I've slept with maybe........twenty guys and half as many girls since I lost my virginity." I look back over at him after I have finished before turning away, knowing that if I keep looking at him I'll demand an answer as to why he's asking all these questions.

His eyes were wide with shock, his mouth dropped open as he stared at me. I don't even think that's a high number considering my reputation, so I'm not sure why he looked so surprised and upset. It's like he was hoping that I wouldn't tell the truth, but he already knows fully well that I don't like lying to him. If he didn't want the truth he shouldn't have asked in the first place.

The sounds from the TV play in the background as I go back to eating, the air suddenly awkward and tense around us. I'm still thinking over whether or not I should have lied about my body count when Jimin speaks up again, his phone back on and in his grasp. "Did you ever date Kim Seokjung? Your parents seemed close with him at the party the other night."

My body stiffens as chills go up and down my arms, just the sound of his name bringing back unpleasant memories. I think back on the marriage proposal and shudder, chewing my mouthful as I think about what to tell him. I'm still thinking of a way to get out of this whole shit-show, so I don't want to trouble Jimin with my personal problems so early on. I also don't like talking about the jerk in general, me preferring if I didn't have to even think about him ever again.

"He's no one important" I decide to say, sticking with the truth. "I do not like him, and the fact that my parents still talk to him pisses me off."

He tuts, "but you didn't answer my question. Did you and him used to go out?"

I gulp and he frowns, nodding to himself as he continues typing away on his phone. "So you did date him. Was he the first person you slept with, then? Is that why he was looking at you like that?"

"Like what?" I ask curiously, purposefully skipping over his previous question and focusing my attention on the last one. I already don't like where this conversation is going, me a couple of seconds away from changing the topic completely.

"He looks at you differently than other men I've seen" is his reply, him still not looking up at me as he speaks. "Tae looks at you like he wants to find out what you look like without clothes on, but Seokjung hyung looks at you like he already knows."

Oh, he knows alright, I think bitterly to myself as I wrap my arms around my body. He had two days to look at me as much as he wanted to.

"Can we talk about something else?" I force a smile onto my face as I reach around him and pick up the remote, changing the channel to something different. He sighs in annoyance but nods his head anyway, going completely silent as he stares ahead of him at the TV.

I want to tell him, but I need more time. I haven't really spoken to anyone about it since I confided in Jaebum and Cassi. I only told them about Seokjung keeping me locked in his room for two days though, leaving out the details about what he did to me during that time, although, I suspect they might have a vague idea. I honestly didn't think I would be able to talk about what happened without crying, it easy for me to speak with Jin since he turned out to be the one who had saved me.

Jimin and I haven't been dating long enough for me to feel comfortable talking to him about my past with Seokjung. I want to, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I obviously care about Jimin, this the longest I have been in a relationship of any kind since the incident, but I can't bring myself to imagine lasting very much longer with him.

And it's not even me I'm worried about.

Jimin has always told me about how insecure he is, but it's way worse than what he lets on. I overheard him and Namjoon talking about me the other day when they were all hanging at Taehyung's place, and they were talking about our relationship and why we weren't official yet. Jimin told him that he's always been afraid of starting something just for the person he's seeing to think he's not good enough and leave. He hasn't ever dated anyone because he is too afraid to be rejected, and he has pushed away everyone who has tried to get close to him in a romantic way. I just don't want to give out such personal information to someone who might not even put in the effort to stay with me.

"I swear to you, Jimin" I make up my mind, turning to him in my seat. "If you can put up with me for another two months, I swear I'll tell you everything."

I'm willing to go out of my comfort zone and talk about something that still fills my nights and everyday life with fear and uncertainty. I'm willing to try for him, but only if he's willing to try for me.

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