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The wind is cool as it blows through my hair, one of my hands reaching up to brush the troublesome strands away from my face. I should have thought to bring a hair tie with me, but it looks like I'm just going to have to put up with it for now.

Jimin had to go back home earlier today. His parents host an annual party around this time that his mom insisted he helped out with. It's a big deal, which is why I am surprised that I have never been forced to go before. The Parks literally only allow crowds of people at their house once a year while my parents do it several times, this fact making their parties the talk of the town for months. It sucks that Jimin has to help out so much for it, but at least he'll have me there the day of the party. He asked me if I would go with him and I couldn't say no no matter how much I wanted to, so he's lucky I seem to like him so much.

Jungkook is still hanging out with his friends and Taehyung disappeared somewhere a little bit earlier, so I was left all alone in their massive house. Since Namjoon and Jin left early this morning, I decided to take a walk to pass the time now that it's a little past sunset. I haven't taken a walk down this way in what seems like forever, all of the sights and sounds reminding me of when I was younger and more innocent.

I scoff as I remember those days of innocence, continuing down the familiar trail ahead of me. I was so naive back then, believing everything that anyone had told me. I put all of my faith in one guy and he ended up being the Devil in disguise. He took my innocence and made me lose trust in people, but in some ways I'm glad he did. I'm glad he opened my eyes and made me see how stupid I had been. If it wasn't for him doing what he did, I never would have become who I am now.

The bushes rustle next to me and I jump with a start before rolling my eyes at myself, wiping my hands off on the fabric of my skinny jeans. It is getting darker now that the sun has gone down, my eyes adjusting to the lack of light as I take in my surroundings.

I know exactly where I am, a small smile on my face as I continue walking at a leisurely pace. I used to walk here all the time when I was a child, my smile widening as I think back on all of the times I would go over here and pretend to be someone else other than the daughter of rich, powerful parents.

The grass along the side of the dirt path is cut off as stone walls extend up into the sky on either side of me, the path continuing on in between them. Small lamps produce light and illuminate the trail as I keep walking down it, my eyes taking in the graffiti on the brick walls. I stick to the main path, ignoring all of the other ones that branch off on either side of me. I know that they lead to other parts of the meadow that I was walking in earlier, the main one I am in now leading back to the street in front of Taehyung's house.

Something makes me stop as I grow closer to the exit, my back going ridged as I listen for any other sounds around me. I could have sworn that I heard footsteps that weren't my own coming from behind me, but there is nothing there when I turn around to check. I don't let my guard down as I start walking towards the dark street, picking up the pace as I continue glancing behind me every few seconds. There is no way I was just imagining things, my heart thudding painfully fast in my chest as I start jogging.

A dark shadow appears from the right and I scream, the sound bouncing off the walls as I am harshly pushed. A pain-filled groans exits my mouth as my entire left side makes contact with the wall beside me, my head hitting it as well. Pain blossoms like a thorny rose behind my eyelids as I hold onto the side of my head with my hand, the world around me spinning as I try and stay upright.

"What a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect to see you here this late, little one."

The voice as well as the nickname the man used for me has my adrenaline spiking, my palms getting sweaty as I look around frantically for an exit. All of the horrible things that he did to me all those years ago come racing back as fear takes purchase in my heart and refuses to let go of it, my whole body shaking as I turn to face the man in question.

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