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"Chloe? Chloe! Chloe, wait!"

"What?" I yell in frustration, turning around to glare at Taehyung as he runs after me. I'm about half-way to my car right now, and all I want to do is get in and drive away. Whatever my father wants can't be good, so I'd rather get it over with than stand around talking to Jimin's best friend.

"Are you--" he pauses as he gasps for breath, it obvious that he ran here to catch up with me. "Are you ok?"

I blink before nodding hesitantly, not sure why he's asking me this all of a sudden. I don't want to have a heart to heart talk with him about what's going on in my head because we aren't friends, and he definitely doesn't care enough about me for me to spill out the innermost feelings in my heart. He has changed so much since Jin and I told him about me almost being taken advantage of when I was staying at his place though, and it's kind of freaking me out.

"Why do you care?" I ask as I cross my arms over my chest. "You literally hated me a few weeks ago and now you're running after me and asking if I'm ok."

He looks down at his feet as his jaw clenches, it reminding me of how he looked back in the janitor's closet when I asked him why he hated me. I'm about to roll my eyes and tell him to forget about it when he looks up and meets my gaze, his eyes hardened with resolve.

"I'm in love with Jimin."

Holy shit. I was not expecting that.

"I've loved him since high school, but it would never work out between us" he continues, his voice low as he leans closer to me. "I love everything about him, but I can't be with him intimately. The one time I tried, I ended up hurting him, and I hated myself for it fora long time. I'm just not sexually attracted to men, and he deserves someone who will be able to love his mind as well as his body. That's why I hated you, Chloe."

"And that's why you keep pushing him away" I realize, my attitude towards Taehyung changing slightly.

I don't agree with how he decided to handle things, but I understand now. He was in love with his best friend but couldn't display it outwardly since he was attracted to women. He ended up trying it out to see if he could make it work just to hurt the one person he cared about the most. Instead of apologizing and telling Jimin about how he felt, he decided to distance himself from him. I can't imagine what he must have been thinking every time he would see the two of us together, his hatred for me suddenly making sense.

He sighs, "I like sleeping with women too much to settle down with a man who I will never be able to derive any pleasure from, and I don't think he has ever thought of me in the same way I think of him to begin with. I'm asking if you are ok because you mean a lot to Jimin, and although he has a shit way of handling things, he's beating himself up right now because of what he did. I know you said that you didn't give second chances, but could you reconsider?"

I don't know what to say, all of this new information causing my brain to spin in my head. I do know that if I keep my father waiting he won't be happy though.

"Can I get back to you on that? I've kind of been summoned home, and I don't want to keep them waiting" I say instead of answering his question, not wanting to deal with any more drama right now. He sighs but nods anyway, stepping back with his hands in his front pockets.

"Thanks for telling me" I add on sincerely. "It doesn't change the shit way you've treated me over the years, but at least it makes sense now."

"I'm sorry" he says with a frown, his eyes back on his feet as he draws patterns on the ground with his toe. I hum to let him know that I understand before turning and walking the rest of the way to my car, my head a mess now that I know all this.

I can't help but think about what Taehyung said as I drive the short distance from the college to my parents' house, still trying to wrap my brain around everything. I had no idea why he had hated me at first. I remember telling Cassi about how cute I thought Jimin was when we were Juniors in high school, not thinking much of it at the time. The following day Taehyung started glaring at me and making rude remarks about the way I dressed and acted, it not helping that I had to see him outside of school as well due to our parents. After a while I started saying mean things back in order to defend myself, that how my hatred for him began. I can't help but think about how much easier life would have been if he had just said something to Jimin. We probably could have even become friends.

I think about the possibilities as I drive up the long driveway to the house, shutting off the engine and getting out of my car when I get there. Surprisingly, their usual butler isn't waiting at the door when I get there, me having to open it by myself.

"Hello?" I call out hesitantly, my voice echoing in the large, empty house. I look around in question but there aren't even any maids around, my uncertainty increasing the longer I stand in the entryway.

My breathing is coming out in soft pants as I start to get more frightened, my footsteps silent as I make my way over to my father's study. I wrap my arms around my body due to the chill that travels down my spine at the thought of being alone in the house with my parents and no maids or servers around to get help if I need it. I have half a mind to turn around and just leave, but I know that whatever awaits me will become worse if I go against what my father told me to do.

"D-dad?........Are you in there?" I call once I get to the wooden doors of his study, my hand shaking as I turn the doorknob and enter the room. I feel as if I can breathe again when it is empty as well, my heart pounding against my ribcage.

The uncertainty comes back when his office phone starts ringing though, my eyes locked on the device as my feet stay glued to the floor. I don't move towards it until it stops ringing and then starts up again, my pulse spiking as I get to the desk and stare down at the number being displayed on its screen.

It's my dad. He texted me to come here, so why is he calling me on his office phone?

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