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"Did we have to go?" Jimin whines dejectedly, pouting in his seat beside me. I turn the engine off of my new Maserati and turn to him with a sigh, taking my seatbelt off so that I can lean closer to him.

"Jimin" I say slowly, failing to keep my smile in check when he narrows his eyes at my taunting tone. "This was your idea, remember?"

I laugh manically as he grumbles under his breath about me being mean, shaking my head as I open the car door and walk around to the trunk where all of our beach stuff is.

It turns out the other students in Jimin's class were planning an overnight trip to the beach. They started talking about how much fun it would be to relax with their friends, one of the friendlier guys there turning to invite Jimin. He was nice enough to invite me as well, it clear that he knew Jimin would be uncomfortable if he were to go by himself. At the time, I had thought Jimin would politely decline by saying that we already had plans, but, to my surprise, he had excepted. He even said we would be in charge of bringing all of the alcohol, a determined look on his face as the intoxicated students had all cheered for him.

"If you didn't want to go" I continue, "you should have just told them."

"I know!" he groans as he walks around the back of the car to join me in taking out our things. "I wanted to prove that I wasn't a loser, but now I wish I had just kept my mouth shut."

"No one thinks you're a loser, Jimin."

I turn in surprise, not having heard anyone come up behind us until he had spoken. The guy who invited us is walking over to our car with his hands in the pockets of his swim trucks, a pair of dark sunglasses covering his eyes.

He continues, "we might be somewhat jealous of you, dude, but no one thinks you're a loser."

"But......" Jimin pauses, clearly caught off guard by the sudden entrance as well as the correction of his perspective. He glances at me before turning to look at the male standing in front of us, his ears turning pink. "Why would they be j-jealous of me?"

Jackson laughs, his eyes squinting as he appraises the timid dancer. He shakes his head in disbelief, laughing some more as he turns his head to look at me, it clear that he finds the answer as obvious to him as it is to myself. I can't help but smile as well, shrugging my shoulders in response.

"Jimin" he pauses to chuckle before clearing his throat at Jimin's disgruntled look. "You're literally the best dancer at the university. Add on the fact that you're a genuinely nice person, and there was bound to be some feelings of jealousy towards you. Putting that aside, have you ever, I don't know, looked in a fucking mirror? I don't personally swing that way, but damn! You're hot, man, and you were able to pull one of the hottest seniors on campus seemingly without even trying."

I nod when Jimin glances at me in confusion, his eyebrows wrinkling cutely. He honestly doesn't understand why Jackson is saying this, it like he recognizes the fact that he is being complimented yet his brain doesn't want to accept it. It looks like I'm going to have to work extremely hard to show him how amazing he is.

"I-I don't think tha—"

"Thanks for inviting us, Jackson" I greet, successfully cutting Jimin off as he proceeds to contradict the guy's statement. He grumbles under his breath as I stick my tongue out at him, Jackson chuckling at the interaction.

"It was my pleasure. I've heard a lot about you from Jay B, but I'll admit that I was surprised by how chill you actually seem to be."

(A/N: yes, I am changing it from JB to Jay B now. If I forget, please don't come for me.)

My eyes widen, "you know Jaebeom?"

"Yeah, dude," he replies with an empathic nod of his head. "We have, like, three classes together."

Shit. I was not expecting that. I'm shocked that this is the first time I'm hearing of this to be honest. Jackson seems like a seriously cool person, so it's odd that J never mentioned him before. Now that I think about it, though, I do remember J talking about one of his friends on several occasions. He never said his name, but would always talk about something hilariously stupid one of his classmates did. Since it was always in a different class I assumed he was talking about multiple people. Guess I was wrong.

"Well, we will definitely have to start hanging out after we get back. You're one of the funniest guys I've met."

"Awe. Stop it, I'm blushing" the male coos, coyly covering his cheeks with his hands as he winks at me. I can't help but laugh with a shake of my head, accepting his help in carrying all of our things to the beach house we will be staying at for the next two days. I can't help but be impressed at what I see, a low whistle escaping my lips as I take it in.

"Nice place, dude."

Glass windows make up the majority of the front and left side of the off-white house, pretty wooden stairs leading up to a nice front porch that rests on the sand of the private beach we needed a special code to gain entrance to. I can see the entirety of the kitchen and living room even before we are let in by a grinning Jackson, the three of us heading over to the fridge so that we can put the alcohol away.

"Thanks, but I can't take the credit for it. Kai is the one letting us all stay here. His family owns the place."

I nod as I place the last of the beer into the fridge, faintly remembering meeting Kai last night. He was absolutely wasted though, so I didn't get a good gage on his character. If Jackson likes him, and Jimin isn't cringing beside me at the mention of him, he must be a good guy.

Jackson continues, "rooms are down the hall, guys' to the left and girls' to the right. Put your things on the mattress you choose and change into your swim suits. Kai and I were going to wait for everyone to arrive by the ocean, and since y'all got here a little early, you can join us."

A grin spreads across Jimin's face at the mention of swimming in the water, him nodding energetically as he grabs my hand in a vice like grip.

"Alright" I answer for the both of us. "We'll meet you out there."

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