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I wake up to the sound of someone pounding on my front door, a groan leaving me as I turn into the warm body that is currently next to me.

I let Hoseok stay the night after we had rounds three and four, my body a little sore from our strenuous activities. I don't usually do stuff like that, but I felt like he deserved it after I was done with him. He claimed to be too tired to even move after we finished for the fourth time, so I told him he could stay as long as he didn't get clingy and start following me around after I told him to leave.

His hold on me tightens when whoever it is that is knocking persists, me sighing as I reluctantly detach myself from him and get out from under the covers. The air raises goosebumps on my skin as I walk over to my closet and pull out an over-sized sweatshirt and a pair of loose cotton shorts, sliding the articles of clothing on before raking my fingers through my tangled hair. I don't bother looking in the mirror because I know that I probably look like a mess, my feet dragging along the carpet floor as I slowly make my way to the front door.

"Who the fuck is it?" I grumble under my breath before looking through the peep hole, a scowl immediately pulling down the corners of my lips when I see who it is. I open the door and cross my arms over my chest as I lean against the entryway, not even attempting to hide my glare as I look the newcomer over.

"What the fuck do you want, and how the fuck did you find out where I lived?"

"Hello to you too" Taehyung says with a smirk before inviting himself inside, his hands in his pockets as he looks around with an impressed nod of his head.

"Nice place, Chloe. I guess having a rich daddy has its perks."

"Fuck you" I cuss unenthusiastically, still tired and a tad bit hungover. "Your'e parents are rich too, douchebag."

He doesn't say anything to that, his fingers trailing along the pictures I have set up along my wall. He gets to the one Jaebum took of Cassi and me the day of our high school graduation and stops, my frown deepening when he continues to ignore me.

"You never answered my questions. Why are you here, and how did you know where I live?"

He sighs as if I just asked the stupidest question ever, him reluctantly turning around to face me.

"Your parents said they texted you, but you look like you had a rough night so you probably didn't read it."

I narrow my eyes at him as he takes in the faint bruises in the shape of Hoseok's fingers from him grabbing my legs during our fun last night, him also looking over my messy hair and smudged makeup. The unmistakable heat that enters his eyes as he continues to stare at me makes something warm flit around in my stomach, the feeling not leaving until he clears his throat and looks away.

"Anyway, my parents are going to a meeting and apparently don't trust me to watch over my younger brother by myself, so they asked your parents if you could help. They said it would be fine and to pick you up from your apartment, which is why I'm here."

My hands open and close at my sides as I glare at the floor, my anger rising the longer I think about it. I may like my parents for their money, but I don't like them, the fact that they volunteered me to babysit just adding fuel to the fire. I just don't understand why they would think that it was ok for them to make a deal like that when they didn't even ask me first, it as if they think I never have anything to do other than whatever it is that they tell me to.

"Fine" I grit out from between my teeth, making a mental note to text Cassi and rant about this later. "Wait here and I'll get ready."


Taehyung and I both turn towards my bedroom as the door opens and Hoseok pokes his head out, his eyes widening when he sees that I'm not alone.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company over."

"It's ok, Hoseok" I reassure him, walking over to where he is standing and leaving Taehyung to do whatever he pleases.

Hoseoks smiles at me as he puts his hands in his pockets, the clothes that he was wearing last night back on. He reaches up to rub the back of his neck and my eyes stray to look at all of the dark hickeys I left there, it making me subconsciously reach up and touch the singular one I let him leave on me.

"Last night was......" he trails off as he blows out a breath of air, his smile widening as he looks off to the side. Taehyung stops what he is doing and goes still, it obvious that he is listening from how stiff his back just got.

"I agree" I say as I turn my gaze back onto the male in front of me, smiling softly in return.

"If you ever want to do something like that again" he says, him now looking down at the carpet instead of at me "you have my number."

"Actually, I don't."

He looks up at me with a frown and I feel kind of bad, reaching out and touching his arm. "Jimin told me to throw it away, so I did, but you can give it to me now."

Taehyung has turned around to face us at this point, him no longer pretending to not be interested in my conversation now that his precious Jimin was brought up. I roll my eyes as I tug on the sleeve of Hoseok's shirt and lead him back into my bedroom, walking over to my phone and powering it back on. I release a soft sigh as my mom's text message pops up on the screen telling me that Taehyung will be over to pick me up, leaving her on read before going over to create a new contact.

"What's with that Jimin guy anyway?" Hoseok asks as he types in his number. "I was under the impression that he really liked you, and yet you took me to bed instead of him."

"I was under the impression that he liked me too" I say irritably, accepting my phone back from him and tossing it on my unmade bed.

Hoseok smiles, "well, it's his loss. Thanks again for letting me stay the night."

I nod to show that I heard him before waving slightly as he walks out, him muttering a polite farewell to Taehyung before letting himself out. I let out a breath of air before stripping out of my clothes and walking into my bathroom to take a shower, not wanting to do anything but go back to sleep.

Maybe I'll be able to get some sleep while I'm over at Taehyung's house, but I really doubt it. Maybe he'll cut me some slack and decide to spend the day out with his friends instead of at home. Whatever he decides to do, I just hope it doesn't involve me in any way.

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