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I roll my eyes as I wait for my friends to stop talking about their college crushes, my arms crossed over my chest as I lounge lazily in my chair. I could care less about what they think about Kim Taehyung and his perfect face, a sigh leaving me as I hit my best friend on the chest with the back of my hand.

"Can you shut up already? No one cares about how much you want Taehyung to top you, you fucking slut."

"Look who the fuck is talking!" Cassi yells with widened eyes, pushing me back as I smirk. "You get more dick than all of us combined."

I shrug, unable to deny that statement. I fully believe that love and relationships are for pussies, and prefer to sleep around with whoever I want when I want. As long as I am safe, I don't think anyone should have a problem with what I choose to do with my body. There are people who don't like the fact that I sleep around, but honestly, it's my life so I'm not sure why they are so invested in it.

I can't really help it if people find me attractive. I learned from a young age that beauty can get you practically anything you want if you know how to use it, so that's what I do. It helps that I have naturally full lips and a slender nose, my eyes large and usually lined with bright eyeshadows and thick eyeliner. What I lack in my chest area I make up for with my thin waist and wide hips, my black hair layered and cut to rest just above my shoulders. I've also always held myself with confidence, faking it all the way through middle school and high school until it became natural. I don't blame guys for not being able to resist my looks, and I'm definitely not complaining about it.

"We all know you dislike Taehyung for some reason" Jaebum says with a roll of his eyes, "but I bet you'd smash if he came onto you."

I turn to narrow my eyes at him and he looks back at me steadily, the corners of his lips turning up and into a simper when he realizes that he was right. I sigh as I rake my fingers through the shorter strands of my bangs, turning back to face the rest of the table as they await my answer.

"I admit that he's hot, but he's not really my type."

Tina gasps, "not your type? You're saying that sexy-as-fuck is not your type?"

Sandra laughs from the other side of the table and I can't stop myself from scowling down at my plate, my mood ruined now that she is getting involved in the conversation. I have never really liked Sandra, her voice too whiny, her personality too fake, and her clothes too revealing for her body type. I think that people should be able to wear whatever the hell they want to, but I also think that you should know when a certain style doesn't look good on you.

For example, Cassi and I both like to dress a little bit sexy, but we show off our bodies differently. She has an hourglass figure that I'm insanely jealous of, and she wears reliving clothes that accent those features. I am a B cup in the chest, have a large ass, and sport wide hips, so I usually like wearing revealing shirts or crop tops that don't require bras and form-fitting pants or shorts.

Sandra has big boobs and a flat stomach, but she has narrow hips and a small ass. She likes copying my style, and it does not work for her. I've tried to be nice and ask to go shopping with her so that we could fix this problem, but she doesn't seem to want to listen. Fine by me. She can continue wearing what she's wearing and wonder why people snicker in the hall when they see her pass by.

Is that mean? Eh, whatever. Not like I really care anyway.

"Chloe is too good for any of the guys that us normal people like" she says with her high-pitched voice, her chest almost spilling out of the top of the shirt she has on as she leans forward to look at me.

Apparently that was supposed to be a funny joke because she starts laughing, our friend group glancing at me as they chuckle along out of pity. I still don't understand why we have to tolerate her, but if no one has said anything about it thus far I guess I can just suck it up.

"It's not that I think I'm too good for him" I decide to explain "it's just that we wouldn't be a good match in bed. I like being in control, and everyone knows that he is a Dom."

"Now Jimin on the other hand" I continue, a smirk appearing on my face as I think about the guy. "He is totally my type. He's extremely easy to fluster, and fun to tease as well. Speaking of which....."

I trial off as I spot the male in question walking our way, his eyes on his tray of food as to not spill anything. The black skinny jeans that he is wearing fit tightly against his thighs, a long, striped shirt loose on his form. I know from our friend Samuel that he is hiding some impressive abs beneath the oversized article of clothing, it making him even more desirable in my eyes. I moan theatrically for my friends to hear as I check him out, Cassi hitting my stomach as she dies laughing.

"Yo, Jimin!" I call, our whole table falling silent as they turn to either look at me or the guy I just called over.

He looks up and smiles at me when he sees who it is, one hand leaving his lunch tray to rake through the long strands of his pastel pink hair as he starts walking towards me. We have two lectures together and we sit next to each other in one of them, so I would like to think that we are friends. I may be two years older than he is, but the elective courses I need in order to graduate just so happen to be classes that he is taking for his major. I think my obvious flirting kind of scares him away, but I really can't help it at this point.

"Hey noona" he greets me shyly, glancing around at my friends before looking back at me.

"You look cute today" I say with a smirk, turning in my seat to face him as his cheeks turn pink.

Sandra scoffs in disbelief from her end of the table when Jimin looks down at his tray and grins, it clear that the simple compliment that is usually reserved for females made him coy. This is why I prefer Jimin over her 'precious' Taehyung though. I love the way his ears take over the pink color of his blush as he stutters over his thank you, his eyes on his feet as they scuff the tile floor.

Someone clears their throat behind me and I reluctantly drag my eyes away from the adorable male, them then connecting with a pair of dark ones. My smirk widens as I take in the newcomer's glare that is being directed towards me, a single eyebrow lifting as I nod my head in greeting.

"Hey, Taehyung. We were just talking about you."

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