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There was nothing I could have done to get out of this. Any fighting that I had done just succeeded in making him angry, my body aching and my head pounding as I try and stay conscious. My lungs are burning from all of the screaming I have done, but it looks like Seokjung and I are truly all alone in this massive house.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" he asks with a smirk, chuckling as I gasp for breath beneath him. "You've become quiet all of a sudden."

"Fuck you, asshole" I grit out despite how much it hurts to speak, my voice coming out husky and rough.

Seokjung doesn't even look deterred by my rude answer, his lips parting to display his teeth as he smiles. If anything that just makes him look even crazier than I know him to be, his glasses and cheek splattered with my own blood.

His feet are pinning me down so that I can't move, but I'd take this any day over the alternative. I would rather him continue taking out all of his anger out on my body because I know exactly what he would be doing if he wasn't beating me up right now. I don't think I would be able to go through what he did to me again without completely breaking from it, so I will take whatever punches he decides to throw at me.

And that's exactly what I do. His hands are like concrete, his shoe-covered feet like steel. I can feel it as bruises start forming all over my stomach and sides, his clipped laughter sounding in my ears the entire time. He will never be able to surpass what my father used to do to me, but I haven't gone through anything like this in a while. I can feel my body start to shut down as pain surges through it in a constant stream, my head getting foggy as my eyelids droop shut.

I find myself just lying there, not even able to lift my arms to block him anymore. It's not that I can't, I just don't see any reason to. We are all alone, so there is no one here to save me from my tormentor. I had fought back earlier, and that did me no good at all, it only tiring me out and leaving me even more vulnerable than I already was. What's the point in fighting the inevitable?


I don't answer, keeping my eyes shut as Seokjung stops what he is doing to no doubt peer down at me. He nudges my side with the tip of his shoe before groaning when I don't move, the sound of his footsteps getting further away as he leaves the room. "It's no fun when she's not awake" he grumbles to himself before closing the door behind him.

I feel as if I can finally breathe again when I am left in silence, tears streaming down my cheeks as my body throbs as if it is just one giant bruise. It probably is, the taste of blood assaulting my tongue and making me want to gag. I had been punched in the lip enough times to split it in several places, my tongue also stinging from accidentally biting down on it.

My body hurts and I just want to go to sleep, but I can't. I know Seokjung, and he won't do anything to me if he thinks I'm unconscious. He only derives pleasure from his victims if they are awake to realize what he is doing, like the sick bastard he is, so I am safe for now. This might be my only chance to escape though. Who knows what he might do if I actually allow myself to give in to the darkness threatening to swallow me whole? I don't want to fall asleep just for him to tie me up so that I can't escape, me forcing myself to sit up and look around.

My dad's study is the way it was when I came in, the only difference being that the floor is now covered in my blood. I use the desk to help me stand up and almost fall back down when my head throbs and my vision dots with black spots. I do manage to stay upright though, the crimson blood on my hand making it slippery as I push off of the desk and start walking towards the door. Luckily I am still wearing my shoes, my purse left forgotten on the floor. I pick it up before opening the door and sticking my head out, my ears peeled for any sign of Seokjung.

I think he's in the kitchen, my heart beating pathetically in my chest as I take soft steps in the direction of the front door. I'm going to have to pass the entryway to the kitchen in order to leave, so I'm hoping he is preoccupied when I do so. If not, I'm just gunna have to make a run for it and hope that I'm fast enough to make it to my car.

My breath is coming out in pants as I near the entryway, my hand lifting in order to cover my mouth in an attempt to mask the sound. I try and ignore how much pain I am in but it is getting hard to, even with all of the adrenaline pumping through me. I close my eyes as I take in a deep breath before letting it out, steeling myself for what I'm going to have to do. The best thing to do would be to just make a run for it, so as soon as I open my eyes that's exactly what I do.

"C-Chloe? What the--where do you think you're going?"

I don't look behind me when I hear Seokjung stand form the chair he was sitting in, keeping my eyes on the front door. I'm limping, and it's getting harder to control the way my body is moving, but I make it there. My hands are still slick with blood so it takes longer to turn the doorknob than I would have liked, my heart currently beating so fast that I fear it is going to explode. I slam the door behind me as I continue running towards my car, simultaneously digging through my purse to get my keys out.

The best sensation in the World is the relief I feel when I get into my car and start driving down the driveway, Seokjung's figure getting smaller and smaller the further away I get. For a second there, I admit that I had thought that he was going to catch up with me before I got a chance to get away, my head filled with different scenarios all of which led to him killing me.

I drive for a little while longer before I find myself stopped at a red light in the right lane, my knuckles turning white as I grip onto the steering wheel with all of my might. My throat feels tight, pressure building up behind my eyes as I fully accept that I have really gotten away. My tears from before haven't stopped, a soft sniffle leaving me as my phone starts ringing.

I don't know what to do. One glance at the screen in my car lets me know that it's Jimin who is calling me, my brain still too scrambled from what just happened to want to deal with whatever it is he has to say. I decide to just let it go to voicemail, briefly closing my eyes as I let my head rest against the steering wheel in front of me. I groan when he calls again, reluctantly pressing on the button next to my hand to answer the call.

"I'm sorry, noona!" he yells as soon as we are connected, him not even waiting for me to answer properly. "I was scared because I like you a lot, and I didn't want to fall for you in case you realized that I wasn't good enough. I always end up ruining everything!"

"Jimin, c-can you call me back later? I'm kind of--"

"And I'm not seeing Yuqi" he cuts me off, it clear that he wasn't listening to a word I just said. "She kissed me out of nowhere, I swear! I didn't know what to do since that's never happened to me before, but I swear I didn't know she was going to do that right in front of you."

I sigh, "I understand, but--"

"I'm such an idiot" he interrupts again, making my head pound in annoyance. I decide to just let him continue talking as the light in front of me turns green, pressing down on the gas pedal so that I move forward with the rest of traffic.

Jimin's voice is drowned out by a bunch of honking coming from my right, my head turning in that direction to see what's going on. My eyes widen as soon as I do and fear grips my heart, the only thing I am able to focus on being the headlights of a pickup truck barreling straight towards me with no sign of stopping. The last thing I hear is Jimin telling me he's sorry one last time before the truck crashes into the passenger side of my car and everything goes black.

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