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I can't seem to stop my left leg from bouncing up and down as I sit on the edge of my chair, my eyes locked on the spot in front of me. My bottom lip is being gnawed on by my teeth in my nervousness, the coppery tang of blood that hits my tastebuds alerting me of how hard I am biting down on it.

Jimin's parents didn't seem all that upset over finding us in such a compromising position, but my parents are definitely mad. I thought they wouldn't care that much since Jimin's family is rich, but I could tell from the look on my mother's face that she is more than just disappointed. Mrs. Park agreed to let them talk to me in her study since the party will be going on for another couple of hours, that currently where me, my father, my mother, and Seokjung are now.

"What do you think you were doing with that kid, Chloe?" my mom spits, breaking the silence and making me look up from my lap.

"He's not a kid, mom. He's turning twenty this year, so he's only two years younger than I--"

"She asked you a question, Chloe. She expects an answer, not impertinence" my dad reprimands, my mouth automatically snapping shut as to not say anything else that might piss him off. I glance over at him and wait until he nods to indicate that I can speak to open my mouth back up again, my words slow as I focus on simply answering the question I was asked and nothing more.

"Jimin and I have been dating for almost three months now. He asked me if I would go to his parent's party with him and I said yes, that the reason why I was here and didn't inform you of it first. Something happened earlier, and I needed a break, so we were--"

My mom cuts me off "being disrespectful to Mr. and Mrs. Park by not keeping control over your sexual urges. I thought you were better than those normal, disgusting young adults who don't know how to control themselves."

I go to defend myself before thinking better of it as I watch my dad stand up from his seat and start walking my way, my heartbeat thundering loudly in my ears. I can feel it as my hands start shaking despite the fact that they are clasped together as I try to take calming breaths, my stomach turning in nauseating circles when he comes to a stop right behind the chair I am seated in. I have only been afraid of two men in my life, and both of them are currently within ten feet of me. My knee resumes it's frantic bouncing and I see Seokjung smirk from the corner of my eye, his own legs crossed politely.

"Now" my father's booming voice sounds right by my ear, my whole body jumping at the sudden sound. "I was going to let you have a little bit of freedom when it came to this, but, after seeing your disappointing display earlier, you leave me no choice."

"W-what are" I clear my throat before proceeding. "What are you talking about? No choice in what?"

My body feels as if it is on pins and needles as I wait for what he has to say, my mind a huge mess. I tense up before relaxing again when his ominous presence disappears from behind me, his expensive shoes sounding against the hardwood floor as he walks a little ways and comes to a stop behind Seokjung. My eyes narrow as I watch him put a hand on the man's shoulder, it getting more and more difficult to get air into my lungs the more anxious I get.

"Seokjung here asked us for your hand in marriage. Under the current circumstances, I find no reason to reject his offer. He is a nice, reliable young man who is already running his parents' company, and is interested in collaborating with your mother and I's company as well."

My heart seems to stop in my chest as I look into Seokjung's eyes, it as if I am staring into a bottomless pit. The longer I stare at him the more I seem to shake, it practically impossible to look away now. His smirk widens and I can't help but get sucked into his eyes, memories flooding my mind and making unpleasant goosebumps raise up on my bare arms.

I'm sucked into the memory of my younger self and how much I had looked up to him, remembering how nice he had been starting out. Then it all went to shit, and I will never forgive him for what he did to me. It's like I can still feel his filthy hands as they had trailed over my body, the ropes burning as I had struggled against my bindings. The fear I had felt was sharp and all-consuming as I had screamed and begged for him to stop, the pain knocking me out before I awoke and the same thing happened over and over again. My brain is yelling no at the top of its lungs even now, my head shaking in rejection as I come back to reality. "No. I refuse."

"You what?"

I gulp, a tremor running up my spine at the darkness in my father's voice. He is always so blank all of the time that I have learned to tread carefully around him, always doing what he asked in fear that he would snap if I didn't. I can sense the change in him immediately, my pulse jumping at the shadows of rage that are covering his face.

"I don't think I heard you correctly" he says softly as he takes slow steps closer to me, his soulless eyes staring into mine with unwavering anger. I see my mom shift nervously in her seat across from me, but I don't dare look away from the monster approaching me. His fingers flex at his sides as he tilts his head to the side, my breathing coming out in pants as I try not to have a panic attack right here and now.

"I-I said" I take a deep breath before letting it out again, my entire body shaking despite the warm temperature. "I don't w-want--"

It happens so fast, my eyes barely able to capture it all as my brain tries to make sense of everything. It had taken my father one stride to reach my side, his hand grabbing the majority of my hair before pulling it so hard that I swear some of it came out by the roots. The pain, as well as how hard he had pulled on it, forced me to stand up, the chair I was sitting in making a loud noise as it had tipped over. My yelp of pain had drowned out my mother's loud gasp of shock, her rising to her feet as well.

"Wait!" she yells, holding out her hands to emphasize the point. My eyes are locked on my father's hand that had risen from his side, my breathing sporadic as he stops his actions in order to look at my mother in question. I can feel his chest as it rises and falls rapidly against my back in his anger, my head tilted to the side at an awkward angle to try and ease the spine-numbing pain.

"She's seeing Mrs. Park's kid, and we are in their house right now. If she goes out there and is sporting a bruise she will no doubt use that against us in some way."

My eyes water as his grip tightens, my lower lip wobbling pathetically as I will myself not to cry like a little bitch. He suddenly lets go and I fall to the floor on my knees, my hand reaching up to caress my aching scalp. My mother's eyes are void of any emotion as she sneers down at me, it more than obvious that she only said what she did in order to save her reputation. That's the most important thing to her after all, seeing as she never seemed to care when the same thing was happening in the privacy of our own house.

"You are starting your final year of college in the fall, so we will let you have your fun with that boy until you graduate. After that, the decision is made. Unless you can find someone who would be a more beneficial match to us as a whole, you will marry Mr. Kim in the summer of next year."

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