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I hiss in pain as Jin presses another alcohol-soaked pad onto my scraped up arm, his eyes filled with sympathy when he glances up at me. He had apparently been walking back over to Taehyung's house to get something he had forgotten and heard me yell when I had hit the ground. He took me back to Taehyung's and is currently helping me with my injuries, my tears already having had stopped a while ago.

"Thank you" I say softly as he places the last bandage onto my arm. "If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would have done."

"It was no problem" he replies with a sad smile. "I detest men that would take advantage of someone like that."

I smile back at him and can't help but lean forward on the couch I am sitting on despite myself. He looks somewhat familiar now that I am looking at him up close like this. I have had the sneaking suspicion that I had met him before ever since we were introduced, but I can't seem to put my finger on it. I sit back and look away before he can call me out on being weird, looking down at the dirty spots on my pants from where they had touched the dirt path.

"Do you know who that man was?"

I nod, my jaw clenching as I think back on the evil look in his eyes. He is the entire definition of a sadist in my mind, but he doesn't just crave pain for pleasure; it's like he needs it to survive. I didn't realize it at first, and I payed dearly for it. I look up and see that Jin is still looking at me expectantly, my eyes widening when I realize he is waiting for a name.

"His name is Kim Seokjung. I've known him since I was twelve and he was fifteen."

"S-Seokjung?" Jin looks pale, his mouth dropping open in shock. My eyebrows crinkle in confusion as he stands up and starts pacing, his hands fisting his hair before he suddenly stops and turns to look at me again. "It was you all those years ago?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask as I stand up myself, wincing slightly when my knee threatens to buckle on me. Jin walks back over and makes me sit back down, him taking the seat next to me as he takes both of my hands in his.

"Namjoon introduced me to you as Jin, but my full name is Kim Seokjin. Seokjung is my older brother."

My eyes widen as understanding fills them, my heart thudding in my chest as I stare at the man sitting next to me. That's why I had thought he had looked so familiar. I hadn't realized it before, but now that he's said it I remember the fifteen-year-old who had helped me out after what had happened to me.


It's freezing in here, the air conditioner turned to the coldest setting. I have a feeling he did it just to make me miserable, that something that Seokjung would undoubtably do.

How could I have been so stupid? How did I not see the signs sooner? Why would a fifteen-year-old like him take interest in a twelve-year-old like me? He befriended me and then made me fall for him over the two years I had known him, and now look what has happened.

He was fine at first. Heck, I would say that I fell in love with him but I'm too young to know what love actually is. He was the person that I would go to after my parents decided that I wasn't good enough. He would hold me in his arms as I cried about how mean they were, him rubbing my back as I told him all about how they would abuse me.

When I turned fourteen, I decided to tell him about how I felt. Him, Cassi, and Jaebum were my only friends, but I was going to tell him how much he meant to me. I asked him to go out with me on his seventeenth birthday and he said yes. For almost a year, he made me feel as if I was the prettiest girl in the world. He treated me like a queen, although he kept the physical contact between us to a minimum.

After a while I started doubting him. I started hearing things from the older girls at school about their boyfriends and how much fun they would have together in bed. I wanted that for myself. I wanted to make sure that he was happy after everything that he had done for me, and now I'm regretting ever laying eyes on him.

I can't move, my hands tied to the bed as I lay as still as I can on my stomach. Even if I wasn't tied up, I wouldn't have been able to move. My entire body hurts, it no doubt a huge black and blue mess of bruises. I've been locked in this room for two days now, my whole body aching because of the boy that I thought had feelings for me.

He took everything from me. My cheeks hurt from the dried tear tracks running down them, my head pressed into the pillow at an awkward angle. I shouldn't have asked him to sleep with me, but I was scared. I was scared that the only guy who has ever given me a second glance would leave me if I didn't offer myself to him, and now the lower half of my body is throbbing with pain. I can still remember the feeling of his hands as they had ran over my body, the pain I had felt when he entered me from behind making me scream. It's been two days since I've seen my parents but they probably aren't even worried about me, my phone laying out of reach on the bedside table to my right.

What would I even do if I managed to get out of this? There is no way I could go to the police about this, it a well-known fact that the Kims practically own them. The only thing I can think of doing is telling my parents and hoping that they believe me and keep him away from me in the future, but I still don't see a way for me to get out of this.


My breathing picks up at the sound of a timid voice coming from behind the closed door. I open my mouth to try to say something to get their attention but nothing comes out. No one had been home when Seokjung was here, so he made no attempt to keep me from screaming. My throat is raw as I try and make a sound, tears silently falling from my eyes when I realize that nothing is coming out.

"Hyung!" the voice of the teen comes again, the doorknob rattling as he tries to turn it. "You still have my game controller, and you promised to give it back weeks ago!"

I try moving my wrists some more, desperate to get out of my restraints and go over to the door. Nothing I do seems to work, the ropes just getting even tighter if anything. Goosebumps form on my bare skin as I try get out, the ropes rubbing up against my wrists and making them bleed.

I stop and listen when the sound of something moving around in the lock reaches my ears, my entire body going ridged. Is he picking the lock, or is it Seokjung with the key? I can't help but tremble at the thought that Seokjung is already back from his parent's work where he went to help out, my breath coming out in pants as I start to panic.

"Holy shit!"

I'm a sobbing mess when I realize that it's not Seokjung who has come back to hurt me again, the teen I heard speaking through the door mumbling curse words as he rushes over to untie me. He averts his eyes as he unties the rope and takes his jacket off, placing it over my shivering body before turning me onto my back and picking me up.

"It's ok" he whispers as I grasp onto the fabric of his shirt. "You're safe now."

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