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The sun feels nice on my face as I sit facing towards the ocean, the sea breeze lifting up strands of my hair and bringing the smell of salt to my nose. I smile as I watch Jackson leap onto Kai's back, the taller male yelping in shock as the two of them crash into the water.

The sand is the perfect temperature between my toes as I sip from the glass in my hand, the Lemon Drop I made before heading down to the beach with the guys almost completely gone now that we have been down here for about half an hour. I had been trying to savor it so that I wouldn't have to go back inside, Jimin volunteering to make me another when he saw how close I was to finishing.

Speaking of...

"Here, noona."

Jimin grins down at me as he holds the glass in his hand, his hair still wet from his time in the water. I had loved being able to just sit here and watch him have fun. I wanted to wait until the others got here because Kai said we would be switching locations and swimming in the pool, so I was content just sitting here in the warmth. Looking up at the grinning male I have come to depend on, I pat the area next to me in the chair, chuckling when he giggles and squeezes next to me.

"What swim suit are you wearing?" he questions, untucking the hem of my shirt from my shorts. The olive green color can be seen just above the waistband and he sighs, looking down at the navy blue swim trunks he had changed into himself. "I'll change before we go in the pool so we can match."

"You don't have to, hun." His narrowed glare makes me laugh, and I lift my hands in surrender as he changes his position next to me.

"Are you comfortable?" I ask cautiously, not wanting to force him to sit next to me if it is hurting him. My worries are washed away when he nods, his arms wrapping around me as he lays his head on the space between my shoulder and neck. I can feel my shirt getting wet and whine softly, Jimin's grip getting tighter as he laughs.

He whispers a soft, "sorry" as he tilts his chin up towards me, his eyes closing as his full lips pucker. I take a moment to just admire his features, my eyes roaming his face now that it's so close to my own. I can never get over how unbelievably beautiful this man is, the pace of my heart speeding up as I lift my hand and softly caress his cheek with my thumb. I trail the pad slowly over his soft skin and down to his lips, using it to drag his plump lower lip down before releasing it. His long eyelashes flutter, the bright sun highlighting the faint freckles he has dotting his cheekbones.

He whines, his eyes fluttering back open. "Noona."

"I'm sorry, baby" I can't help but chuckle, halting my perusal and leaning in to kiss him like he wanted me to.

These kisses have started to grow on me. I had always been one to crave a fast, wet kiss, where it was almost impossible to tell where my partner's tongue started and where mine ended. With Jimin, they could be a plethora of things; slow and sensual, fast and heated, quick and blush-inducing.

This kiss is different. The only way I would be able to describe it would be comfortable. I don't feel the lust or urgency I usually feel when we are about to get hot a heavy on top of my sheets. I don't feel the raging butterflies I get when we share simple pecks of affection. Right now, in this moment with his lips moving languidly against my own, I feel as if the world around me has disappeared and been replaced by a sense of calming warmth.

Jimin's breath is warm as it fans against my cheek with every exhale, his hand cold in contrast as it rests on the side of my neck. The cute sounds coming from the back of his throat make me press my mouth against him a little harder, my lips parting his so that I can slip my tongue in and softly caress his own. The groan that gets me makes me smirk to myself as his other hand fists the fabric of the t-shirt I am wearing, it causing me to hope that Kai and Jackson are too busy playing in the ocean to notice what's going on over here.

As if hearing my thoughts, Jackson's loud voice can be heard from further down the beach, it causing the two of us to disconnect our moving mouths.

"Lisa! Moonbin! Glad you could make it!"

I go to turn only to almost fall out of the chair when Jimin leaps up, his feet getting tangled with mine and causing him to stumble. My lips still tingle from the kiss as I look up at the blushing male in shock, not exactly sure what came over him.

"I-I-I'm gunna go ch-change."

He races off in the direction of the beach house before I have the chance to say anything, him not even stopping to wave at the two newcomers heading in our direction. My head turns as Kai steps up next to me, his eyes also holding curiosity as he watches Jimin's retreating figure disappear inside.

"I wonder what that was about."

I can only shrug, not entirely sure myself.


I lift my shirt over my head and Jackson chokes on the drink he was sipping on, Kai patting on his back as his eyes practically bug out of his head. I smirk to myself as they make a point to not look at me directly, secretly loving the attention. I know I'm a lot less conservative than the majority of the students here, so getting reactions like this makes me smile.

It's almost enough to get my mind off the fact that Jimin hasn't come back from changing into his swim trunks, but not quite.

"Green's a good color on you" Lisa compliments, throwing a dazzling smile my way. I have come to really like this girl, her apart of the hip hop class. She's dating Moonbin, so although she isn't in Jimin's class, Moonbin invited her after he heard I was coming along. I have got to thank him for that later because she is as friendly as she is stunning.

I agree that I need to start wearing more of this color. I have always been a little more tan than the average Korean, and I have been embracing that more and more lately. It makes the color blend in more as apposed to washing me out if my skin was paler, which I find compliments me rather well. The suit itself also does an amazing job of highlighting my curves, the plunging neckline going all the way down to my bellybutton.

"Is Jimin ok with you wearing stuff like that?" Moonbin asks cautiously, studiously keeping his eyes away from me as to not upset his girlfriend

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"Is Jimin ok with you wearing stuff like that?" Moonbin asks cautiously, studiously keeping his eyes away from me as to not upset his girlfriend. He didn't do a very good job of that despite his efforts, Lisa reaching out and slapping his shoulder due to the question he just asked.

"What do you mean by that? She can wear whatever the fuck she wants to, and if Jimin has a problem with it he can suck it up."

"Thanks babe" I say with a smile, it widening into a grin when she winks at me. Moonbin grumbles something under his breath about being teamed up on as the other two males laugh at the exchange.

Jackson turns towards me as I slip into the pool with them, his mouth opening to say something right as I dunk my head under the water to get my hair wet.

"Sorry" I apologize, wiping the liquid from my face after popping back up. "What were you gunna say?"

He shrugs, "it's fine. I was just going to ask if you've ever thought about dying your hair. I remember Jimin saying something last night about how you'd look good as a red-head. My cousin is a hairdresser, so I could hook you up if you ever wanted to get it done."

I go to tell him I'm not interested before stopping, tapping my lip with the tip of my finger as I think about it. The only reason I haven't dyed my hair is because of my parents. They have always been adamant on me keeping everything about myself as pure and natural as possible, decorating my body with bruises whenever I went against their requests. After the car crash though, they have been way more lenient. Maybe I can use this as an opportunity to test their limits.

"I'll think about it."

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