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I'm not sure how to feel right now as I walk through the hallway to my next class, my head still spinning from what happened with Jimin earlier. I ended up not going to my first class today since Jimin is in it, but it is now time for the class right before I take my lunch and I sit right next to him. I don't want to miss any more than I already have, so I guess I'm gunna have to put up with it.


I stop as someone runs up to me from behind, recognizing the voice to belong to Jaebum. I have half a mind to keep walking, but I've already been ignoring everyone's text messages. I let him put his arm around my shoulder as I rub my face tiredly, him immediately picking up on my mood and frowning in concern.

"What's wrong, dude?" he questions. "You aren't responding to the group chat, and you look seriously bummed out about something."

I sigh, "Jimin broke up with me. He's too much of a pussy to work through his fear of not being good enough, so he decided it would just be easier to end things instead."

It came out meaner than I wanted it to, but I can't help it. I'm trying my best to act like this isn't effecting me, but it is. Jaebum can tell too, his hold on me tightening as we come to a stop in front of the classroom my next lecture is in. He turns me around so that he can wrap both of his arms around me in a hug, my chin resting on his shoulder as he pats my back. "I'm sorry. You seemed to really like him, too."

"You'll be fine though" he continues on, pulling back slightly to look down at me. "You're the toughest bitch I know, Chloe. You'll find a way to get back to normal soon."

"Thanks" I say softly as he smiles down at me, trying not to smirk at how awkward he looks. Jaebum is the friend of our group that gives the best advice, but he is horrible when it comes to breakups. I remember Tina coming to me in tears because of something Jaebum accidentally said when trying to cheer her up last year, but it's the thought that counts. He didn't do that bad of a job this time if I'm being honest, but he's going to have to work a little bit on his words of encouragement.

We part ways and I make my way up the isle to my assigned seat, glancing over at the empty one beside me. I can't help but feel nervous as I wait for Jimin to come in, running over all the possible scenarios in my head as I wait. I guess I'll find out how he'll act when he gets here, me forcing myself to get my things ready as I wait for the lecture to begin.


Jimin didn't show up to the lecture. I'm not sure why I had expected him to given his personality, but I had sort of been hopeful. I had hoped he hadn't meant what he said and would come in and sit down next to me as if nothing had happened, but I was just kidding myself by thinking like that.

Samuel is talking about something funny that happened to him a few days ago now that it's lunch, the whole table filled with laughter as he reenacts it with his entire body. I try and laugh along with them since they are going out of their way to try and get my mind off of what happened earlier this morning, but I can't seem to get into it. I can only think about how easily Jimin was able to walk away from me, it making me wonder if I really am to blame for how he ended things.

"Can I sit next to you?" someone asks loudly over my friends' laughter, it drawing my attention. I shake my head 'no' with a scowl when I see that it is Taehyung, rolling my eyes in aggravation when he sits down anyway. No one at our table seems to notice that he has joined us, their conversation continuing on as I turn to the smirking male.

"What do you want, Taehyung?"

He smiles at me as he turns in his seat so that his body is facing mine, his right arm resting on the table beside him. "I just wanted to let you know that my offer from the night of the Park's party is still in place. I'm willing to overlook the hair pulling and name calling because you're hot, and Jimin gave me the go-ahead and said he doesn't care if I sleep with you."

I open my mouth to shut him down but pause, what he said registering in my mind and making me turn toward him. I know that Jimin has said before that he wouldn't necessarily mind if I wanted to have sex with Taehyung, but I didn't think he meant it at the time. The fact that he said that it was alright really solidifies the fact that we really aren't together anymore, this doing nothing to help my bad mood improve.

"I know all about the breakup by the way" he continues, propping his head in his hand as his elbow rests on the table.

I scoff, "Oh really?" rolling my eyes once more when he nods. Of course he would be the first person Jimin would tell.

"It's actually really annoying. He came crying to me before lunch saying how Yuqi saw you hugging another guy, and how quickly you seemed to move on from him. I told him to shut up and stop overreacting, but I think that might of made it worse."

What the fuck? Why would he think I moved on from him? The only thing I can think of is that Yuqi must have seen me talking to Jaebum in front of the classroom. I want to be angry at her for telling Jimin that I seemed to be over him, but I can't really blame her. She probably has no idea who Jaebum is or that we are just friends, but it hurts to hear that Jimin actually thought so little of me that he believed that I didn't actually care about him that easily.

"Why exactly are you here again?" I inquire with a tired sigh, not in the mood to listen to what he has to say. "If all you wanted to do was ask me if I wanted to have sex with you, you can leave now because I'm not in the mood to deal with your bullshit."

I close my eyes and run a hand down my face before opening them again, finding his gaze to already be on me. His eyes aren't holding the disgust they usually do though. Heck, they aren't even filled with amusement as he loses his teasing smirk and sits up straight again, genuine sympathy in his gaze.

"Jimin doesn't know what he's doing" he says slowly, his voice lower now that the topic has taken a more serious turn. "I've known him since we were kids and he has always been hard on himself due to his mother's harsh criticism."

I already knew that but I don't interrupt, leaning back in my seat as I wait for what he has to say.

"As you probably know, you're the first person who has been with him for this long. Tons of girls were interested in him during high school, but he would always push them away. Then he met this girl who was able to get him to open up, and they started seeing each other. Not quite dating, but close enough. She was nice to him and he seemed happy, but they were only together for three weeks before he ended things. Jimin is constantly finding ways to doubt himself and those around him, so he ends up pushing those he cares about away instead."

I don't say anything about Taehyung doing an amazing job of pushing Jimin away as well, knowing that that would only lead to harsh words being said. I really don't need anything else on my plate right now so I keep quiet, listening to the rest of Taehyung's thoughts.

"Please don't give up on him. He makes really stupid decisions sometimes, and I can already tell he's regretting this one. As much as I hate to admit it, you make him really happy. I may not like you, but being with you is good for him, and I think you are making him a better, more confident person."

"I don't think I can" I say as I shake my head, watching as his frown deepens. "I want to, but I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I would never give second chances when it came to the men I was in a relationship with. I already broke that promise once when it came to Jimin, and I don't think I can do it again."

I don't know why I'm telling someone like Taehyung this when he probably doesn't care, but I do it anyway. "I get that he's afraid of being rejected, but so is everyone else in the World. I stopped sleeping around in order to be with him, and I know that he said I didn't have to, but I chose to so that I could make him happy. He made the choice to break things off because he doesn't think I'm worth putting in the effort to get over his fears, and that really fucking hurts. If he likes me, and if I make him as happy as you say I do, then shouldn't it have been harder for him to push me away?"

He doesn't answer and I know that he can't tell me that I'm wrong, a soft scoff leaving my mouth as I turn away from him. I had been feeling slightly better thanks to my friends trying to cheer me up with funny stories and stuff but now I feel just as bad as I did when I told Jimin to leave earlier, Taehyung's gaze burning into the side of my head as I pick up my purse and stand from my seat.

"I still think you're an asshole, but I guess you have your good moments too. You're a good friend for trying to talk to me about this, but Jimin made his decision. It's over between us."

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