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I park the car and turn it off, clicking on the button beside me on my door before taking my seatbelt off. It's a good thing I did too, because Jimin reaches over and tries to get out as soon as he sees me moving. He makes a noise of irritation when the door doesn't budge, turning to glare at me right after.

"Don't look at me like that" I immediately chastise, not liking the hostile expression on his face at all.

"Let me out."

I scoff, "not until you tell me what's wrong."


"Jimin, yes."


"Then you're not getting out."

He groans and looks back down at his phone, the annoying music from the game he is playing filling the car and ticking me off even more than I was before. I reach over and grab his phone from his hands, holding it out of his reach when he whines and makes a grab for it.

"Give it back!"

"Tell me what's wrong first. We have class in half an hour, and I refuse to sit here while you pout to yourself and play this stupid game like a literal fucking child."

His glare seems to pierce right through me, obvious frustration emanating off him in almost-tangible waves. It doesn't phase me though, his phone still in my grasp as I stare back at him unflinchingly. I raise my eyebrow in question and he sighs, looking away from me as he crosses his arms once more.

"I'm mad because of how rude you were being earlier."

My eyes widen, not expecting that at all. My mind is blank as I open and close my mouth for a couple of seconds, blinking rapidly when I finally come to my senses. "I'm sorry, what?"

He groans, "you were being rude earlier. I wanted to spend time with you before class and you went and talked to the guy you fucked right in front of me. It's like you knew that it would piss me off, too."

I blink again as he continues to glare out of the front window, not sure how to approach this. I obviously didn't mean for him to take me saying hi to Yoongi and Hoseok that way, but if he did take it wrong I guess the only thing I can do is apologize. I'm not sure where he got that idea from, but I guess now I have a better understanding as to why he was acting that way.

"I never meant for it to come off in that way, baby" I say carefully, watching his face for any indication that he is listening. "Hoseok and I did have sex before the two of us got together, but I haven't slept with him or anyone else other than you since then. Him and Yoongi are my friends now, but if it made you feel as if I was deliberately trying to make you mad I'm sorry."

"That's bullshit!" he yells, his outburst making me jump. He has never spoken to me like that before, the anger on his face more than evident. It pisses me off and makes me want to yell back at him but I don't, not wanting to start a huge argument where the both of us could get hurt.

"Why is it bullshit, hun?" I ask softly, reaching over and gently moving his hair off of his face with the tips of my fingers. My eyes widen when he smacks my hand away, a low hiss leaving me at the slight pain it leaves me with.

"Stop lying to me" he whispers. "I saw you walk out of the bathroom with that other guy. Your hair was all messed up and his shirt was wrinkled more than before, so don't tell me that you haven't slept with anyone else."

My mouth drops open, "but I didn't. I don't know why his shirt was like that, but Yoongi and I didn't sleep together. We just so happened to come out at the same time and started talking--"

"Am I just a game to you?" he cuts me off, my head spinning as the situation continues to spiral out of my control. "I never had anyone hit on me the way you did, and then you asked if I would go out with you. I was so stupid to think that someone who looked like you would be interested in someone like me. Was what Sandra said right? Did you really only have sex with me for a bet?"

"What the fuck, Jimin? No! I already told you--"

"I should have known. I should have realized when you wouldn't tell me about Seokjung that you could never actually like me."

"Wha--Baby, seriously, what are you talking about?"

"You're a good actor, I'll give you that much. You actually made me think that you could change, but I guess Tae was right about you."

I open my mouth and then close it again, the words that he chose to say making me stop. I know I shouldn't focus on that, but I do. I know I should be asking him about where all of this came from, but I can't. The only thing I can do right now is stare at him in shock, not believing what he just said.

I thought he knew how I felt about him. I thought that, after all this time, he had come to trust me. After everything we have been through, you would think that he realized just how much I had changed for him. I literally went from sleeping with whomever I wanted to whenever I wanted to, to only seeing him. I did that because I wanted to make him happy, and now he's accusing me of being the slut that Taehyung has always labeled me as. I won't deny that that is who I was before, but hearing it from him now after I started actually falling for the guy hurts more than I was expecting it to.

"Why are you acting like this?" I question shakily, both the anger and dread I'm feeling fighting for dominance. "I've told you numerous times that I would be ok with just seeing you and no one else. You're the one that kept saying no, so even if I had slept with Yoongi, which I fucking didn't, why the fuck are you so upset? Just tell me that you don't want me to sleep around and you know I won't."

"I can't trust you" he whispers, my heart feeling as if someone wrapped their hand around it and squeezed. "Everyone I have talked to said that people who sleep around can't be changed. I should have known that already seeing as my best friend has never settled down and had a girlfriend for more than a couple of days."

"You two would be perfect for each other" he ends with, turning towards me and grabbing his phone from my hand. I let him do it, too caught up in everything he had to say.

I get it now. It's always been easy for me to read him, and I know he doesn't mean what he says. He's scared, and he thinks the best way to deal with that is to push me away. That doesn't make it hurt any less though. He's not trying at all. I'm fucking scared too, but I'm trying because I like the way I feel when I'm around him. He's just giving up, and it pisses me off. I'm suddenly glad I decided not to tell him about my past with Seokjung, it clear that he isn't willing to try as hard as I am.

"So that's it, huh? You don't want to be with me anymore?" I can't help but scoff when he nods, turning away from him and pressing on the button that controls the locks in the car.

"Fine. Get out."

I don't turn to look at him as he does just that, the door closing behind him. I watch his back as he walks towards the college with his head down, his hands in his front pockets. My hand slams down on the steering wheel in front of me before I tilt my head back so that it is on the headrest behind me, putting my hand over my eyes. I refuse to cry over a man, but the tightness in my chest and the pressure building up behind my eyes almost makes me want to break that rule.

I can't believe he would just give up like that. I could tell that he didn't really think that I had slept with anyone. I could see it in his eyes, his emotions not hard to read at all. I didn't mean to, but I really fell for him. He was soft, innocent, and pure; the complete opposite of me. When I started going after Jimin I didn't think that we would last very long before I got bored, but I was wrong. Yeah, I like him in a sexual way, but it's obvious how much I am willing to do for him. He was able to restore the trust that Seokjung stole from me when it came to genuine feelings and relationships, and then he went and decided that I wasn't worth it enough for him to actually try.

I really didn't need this today of all days, my head already a mess from my parents forcing Seokjung onto me. Maybe this is what I deserve. God obviously has it out for me if he allowed someone to do unspeakable things to me for days just for me to be forced into a marriage with him years later. I must have done something horrible in my past life to have this happen to me, so maybe I should just accept it.

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