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I'm so fucking stupid. Why did I have to bet Sandra that I would have sex with Jimin by the end of this week? It's already Friday and I haven't even spoken to him since the afternoon before my parents' dinner party.

I just haven't known what to say. I'm usually really good at getting people to sleep with me. Normally, with my looks and confident personality, they would just walk up and proposition me. I've never had to be the one to proposition someone else before, this whole bet making me a mess of nerves.

When Jimin apologized for blowing me off when Taehyung was around, I had told him that he was going to have to prove it. In the lecture that we sit next to each other in he has been going out of his way to be nice and to talk to me more than he has in the past, but I haven't been able to respond. I've just been so worried that anything I say will scare him away and I'll have to admit to Sandra that I was wrong. She would never let me live that down, and I think I would go crazy from frustration. I'm super close to just saying fuck it and kicking her out of the group, but I wanted to prove her wrong first before doing so.

My pencil taps against the paper in my notebook and I have to force myself to stop the nervous action, aware that I am probably annoying everyone around me. Heck, the noise was even starting to annoy me. I glance over at Jimin as he writes in his own notebook beside me, him looking up and meeting my gaze. I have to look away when he smiles, blowing out a breath of air as I think about my game plan.

I have to talk to him today. I don't have his phone number, and this is the last class of the day for him while I still have one more. If I don't get him to go somewhere private with me so that we can talk, I won't be able to before the weekend. I know for a fact that Taehyung told him where I lived because I overheard them talking about it a couple of days ago. All I need to do is show Jimin what I can offer, and then hopefully he'll come to me by himself.

"Fake it till you make it" I whisper under my breath before turning towards him in my seat, planning on faking my confidence so that I talk to him before I pussy out.

"Hey hun, how have your classes gone so far?"

Really? I chastise myself in my head when he turns to me, that's the best you can do?

"Are you talking to me again?" he asks softly, glancing down at his paper before looking back up into my eyes. I force out a laugh before seeing that he's actually being serious, my fake smile falling at his forlorn look.

"Look, Jimin, I'm sorry. I meant what I said at Taehyung's place. I don't usually give people second chances. You either want me or you don't, and I don't like being strung along."

"I do want you" he says loudly before looking around him to make sure he didn't get anyone's attention. Our professor gave us the last ten minutes of our lecture to start working on our latest project and ask him any questions we might have, no one paying us any mind at the moment.

What he just said makes me smile to myself though, my real confidence coming back at his words. Whenever Kim Taehyung is around Jimin acts as if I am invisible, so hearing those words come from his mouth really boosted my ego. I know that as soon as his friend is around that will change, so I'll take what I can get when I get it.

"Really now?" I ask with raised brows, turning back into my usual self as I lean forward. He nods as his cheeks heat up and I can't help but chuckle at how cute he is, shaking my head as I smile.

"No, baby. You have to use your words with me."

He gulps as he looks around us again, the blush traveling from his cheeks to his ears. He scoots forwards as if he is afraid that someone will hear what he has to say if he doesn't, his shy demeanor further helping my confidence rise.

"You make me feel.......I don't know.......d-different. I've never felt this way before, but I like it."

"Different how?" I try and pry, moving my hand so that is resting on his lower thigh right above his knee.

His eyes widen at the touch and he shifts in his seat, him suddenly finding his paper more interesting than our conversation. I start to piece things together as I take in his reaction to the innocent touch, my smirk widening when I realize that it has got to be lust that he's talking about.

It all makes sense now in my head, me thinking back on all the times his eyes had wandered or his body had reacted to me in certain situations. I still stand by my theory that him and Taehyung slept together at one point, but now I'm wondering if he had even liked it or if he is only trailing after the taller boy because of it. From how desperate he always seems to get when it comes to anything remotely sexual as well as how surprisingly innocent he appears to be, I would wager that it's a little bit of both.

He has probably only had one sexual experience before, and if that just so happened to be with Taehyung, it's no wonder he does whatever the fuck that jerk says without question. I had wondered why he would get flustered so easily by what I said and the little actions I would do like placing my hand on his thigh or running my fingers through his hair. Now that I know, I can definitely use this to my advantage.

"You know" I start with softly, slowly moving my hand a little further up his leg. "I've been meaning to get you alone."

He swallows harshly as he looks at me from the corner of his eye, the leg that I am touching starting to bounce up and down as he grows nervous.

"Really?" is his quiet question, his breath hitching in his chest when my hand slides up a tiny bit further. Teasing him just became my favorite pastime, the innocent, yet expectant, look in his eyes a major turn on. I wait for him to tell me to stop but he doesn't, his eyes hooded as he turns and faces me head on.

I nod, "yeah. I've missed talking to you, baby."

He takes a shuddering breath and I know that I've got him when he glances down and stares at my lips as if in a trance, his tongue coming out wet his own.

"What did you want to talk about?" he asks breathily, our professor choosing that moment to stand up and dismiss us all.

Jimin clears his throat as he breaks out of whatever daze it was that he was in, his blush taking over his entire face and spreading down his neck. I wait until we have both packed up all of our things before standing and holding my hand out to him, him slowly taking it before rising as well.

"I think this conversation should be taken somewhere a little more private."

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