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The air is cold as it whips through my hair, it contrasting the sweltering heat of the summer sun. I can already hear Jay chanting "I told you so" in my head as I rush to make it to class, a scowl on my face as I begrudgingly acknowledge that he was right.

He told me that I would be late to class if I went home with that couple last night, but I couldn't pass on the opportunity to top, not one, but two attractive people. Being late for the first day of a new semester was not in my plans, but I have got to admit that having that threesome was definitely worth it.

The halls are pretty much empty as I rush to my History of Dance class, one hand pulling down the hem of the shorts I am wearing that have slowly but surely been swallowed by my ass as I ran, while the other prevents my knitted crop top from showing everyone the color of my bra. I worry for a second that the intense eyeshadow look I went for will have melted off by the time I get there, my breaths coming out in pants as I stop in front of the classroom door in order to catch my breath.

Needless to say, my mother will not be hearing about this. First day of my junior year of college and I'm already fucking up. Hopefully the professor will take pity on me and not penalize me for my fifteen-minute late start. I straighten my spine before moving my book bag from around my body to my shoulder, turning the doorknob and letting myself in.

"On page five of the syllabus, you'll see that—"

He leaves his sentence unfinished as he turns toward me with a raised brow, the slight lift of his lips making me relax. I'm just lucky that he seems to like me, it a good thing I was able to gain some rapport with him last semester.

"Day one and already testing my patience, Miss Chloe."

I smile apologetically. "Sorry Mr. Steinburge. I overslept."

His eyes trail down my neck to the obvious hickeys that litter it thanks to last night's activities, but he doesn't comment on them. He instead motions for me to take a seat after handing my a syllabus packet, his voice trailing after me as I make my way to the only seat available. I sigh as I take a seat and stretch my arms above my head, turning to take in my desk partner just for a pair of brown eyes to lock with my own.

A startled gasp leaves his full lips as he whips his head around to face the front, a pink blush spreading over his cheeks and making the light dusting of freckles on his high cheekbones stand out even more. Bubblegum pink hair hides his eyes as he pretends like he wasn't just checking me out, a lazy smirk gracing my features as a spark of recognition makes me lean forward as to get a better look of his face.

He definitely grew into his features in the three years we haven't seen each other, but there is no doubt that this is the same guy I would stare after in high school. I never learned his name seeing as I'm pretty sure he is two years younger than I am, but I had noticed how attractive he was. How he looked back then holds nothing to the man I am looking at right now, it practically impossible not to admire him.

"What's your name, hun?" I question softly, leaning my elbow on the desk in front of me and propping my head on my palm. I don't take my eyes off of him, my smirk widening as he glances at me before immediately turning away again.


I hum, my gaze falling to his lips as he nibbles on the bottom one nervously. My attention appears to be making him uncomfortable, but I have yet to determine if it is in a good way or a bad way.

"My name's Chloe" I supply, admiring his long eyelashes as he glances at me from the corner of his eye. "Did you go to Jisig High?"

He gasps, his full attention on me at the mention of our old high school. I already knew he was the same person, his reaction all of the confirmation I needed. I can't tell if he is shocked that I remembered him, seeing as we never spoke before today, or if he is surprised that he doesn't remember me. Either way, it's nice to finally have a name connected to his face.

"Miss Chloe, Mr. Jimin. I'm glad you two are getting along, but my classroom is not the place to flirt."

Mr. Steingurge trains his narrow-eyed gaze on me and I lift my hands in a playful show of surrender, flashing him an innocent smile that has him shaking his head in amusement. Beside me, Jimin looks down at his paper like it is the most interesting thing in the room, the tops of his ears taking on the bright blush that hasn't gone away since I sat down next to him.

I've spoken all of fifteen words to him and I am already intrigued, it taking everything in me not to push the obviously-timid guy too far. I feel kind of bad for him. Once I set my sights on someone, I don't stop until they are mine .

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