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It's too quiet for my taste, it taking everything in me not to break the silence. Breaking a silence before your host means that you're unsettled to these people, and I don't want Mrs. Park to have another reason to hate me so soon in our official meeting.

I was born into a life of wealth due to my parents' early success, so I met Mr. and Mrs. Park when I was little. This isn't the first time we have ever been introduced, but it has been years since I've actually had a conversation with her. I was always with Seokjung at parties where the top families would meet until what happened between us, and when I moved out of my parents' house when I turned nineteen, I made an effort not to talk to anyone they were associated with. This is the first time I have sat down and talked with her one on one though, that fact not helping to calm down my nerves.

I bring my cup of tea to my lips and take a small sip as my eyes wander around her study, trying to find something to distract myself. It is really organized in here, it clear that she is someone who likes things in a certain order. From the small greeting I got from her when I entered I could tell that she is extremely uptight, it making sense why Jimin has so many insecurities. I bet she likes her family members to be how she has her study: neat, organized, and able to be moved or influenced at her will.

"So, Chloe" she suddenly pipes up, her voice startling me so much that I almost miss the saucer I was going to place my teacup back on to. "How did you and Jimin become friends?"

I clear my throat, "well, we knew of each other in high school, but never really had the opportunity to hang out much. Now that we are both in college and share some of the same classes, we are around each other way more often."

I smile as I cross one of my legs over the other, my hands folded in my lap like how my mother always told me I should sit when talking to someone of importance. I watch as he eyes trail over my form before she nods slightly, relaxing a little bit after seemingly having passed her 'test'.

"And why are you at such a mainstream college anyway? I was absolutely beside myself with anger when Jimin told me he wanted to go there instead of Harvard. I would have thought your mother would have at least wanted you to go to Seoul University."

I try and ignore her words, my smile turning strained as I focus on my breathing. The fact that she asked that makes it apparent that she is assuming I am just too stupid to get into a good University since money isn't an issue for me. I don't really mind the jab at my mom though, seeing as I don't like her enough to want to defend her.

"I actually got accepted into both Stanford and Cambridge" I decide to boast, sitting up a little taller myself. "My mother would have preferred it if I went to either of those places since she graduated from Stanford herself, but I declined. I wanted to prove that I could make something out of myself without the backing of a degree from a prestigious college. I might have blown my chances by doing this, but I am confident in my own intelligence and perseverance."

"I will also admit that I wanted to be like you" I add, throwing on the charm. "Jimin told me all about how you had to go to a mainstream University despite your vast intellect because of your poor background, and I was astonished at how quickly you were able to make a name for yourself. To be honest, I really admire you for that, which is why I'm challenging myself in this way as well."

I bring my teacup back up to my lips to hide my smirk when I see that I have succeeded in gaining some of her favor, her eyes bright as she smiles to herself at the praise. I meant what I said about her being exceptionally remarkable, and I did actually get accepted into both of those colleges I mentioned, but I didn't stay so that I could make a name out of myself. I stayed because all of my friends are here, and I didn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of rich kids who grew up just like me. What she doesn't know won't kill her though.

"I didn't know you were so driven, Miss Chloe" she compliments as she offers me a cookie off of the silver tray in front of us. I bow my head in thanks as I accept it, taking a bite as she continues. "I'm glad my son has taken an interest in someone like you."

"An interest?" I can't help but inquire, my own interest piqued. I know we are supposed to be pretending as if we aren't actually together, but I still want to know. She may be a controlling bitch, but she's still his mother. If she noticed something, I want to hear about what it was.

"I admit that I peaked out of the window and saw you two interact as you got out of your car" she says steadily, her large eyes watching my face for any reaction. I try and school my features, but I know she saw the flicker of shock that passed over my face, her lips twitching into a knowing smile.

"The way he looks at you is cute. Even as you had laughed at his expense, he hadn't been able to stay mad at you. It's something I've never seen from him before, actually."

"I, um..." I don't know what to say, it the first time in a while that I have been at a loss for words in the presence of an adult like this. I can feel my smile becoming genuine as I look down at my lap, how much I liked hearing that actually kind of surprising me. Thankfully, I don't have to answer, a knock sounding on the door before it opens and Mr. Park pokes his head inside.

"Why don't you go get ready, Chloe? Jimin said you brought your dress for later tonight with you, and we have maids here that can do your hair and makeup."

"Thank you Mr. Park" I say as I stand from my seat, bowing to him and then turning to do the same to Mrs. Park. I can feel her eyes on my retreating form as I make my way over to the door, exiting it as Mr. Park enters and closes it behind him.

I feel as if I can finally breathe now that neither of them can see me, sagging against the wall as I wait for my heart to go back to its normal pace. What she said might have been nice, but there is something about Mrs. Park that sucks all of the energy out of the room. I did acceptably well so far, but we'll see how long I can last.

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