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Taehyung continues glaring at me with his arms crossed, a less than impressed look on his handsome face. Jaebum really was right in saying that I would fuck him if he asked me to. Taehyung is sexy as Hell, so it's too bad that we don't get along all that well.

The reason for that is looking in between the two of us with wide eyes, his confusion evident as he bites his lip nervously. Jimin and Taehyung have been friends for as long as I can remember, the three of us going to high school together. I was two grades above them so we didn't talk much, but I would always see them together at break and lunch. I think Taehyung knew about my fascination with the shorter male, which is why he is always so hostile whenever we speak.

"What can I do for you?" I ask with a raised brow, reaching in my bag as he continues to glare heatedly at me. I root through it before pulling out the dark purple lipstick I decided to wear today, reapplying it to my lips as I wait for what he has to say.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't harass my friend" he answers as a muscle ticks in his jaw. I can't help but lift my eyebrows at his accusation, amusement curling the corners of my painted lips.

Jimin walks over to Taehyung's side, his eyes wide as he looks up at him. "She wasn't doing anything, Tae" he says quietly. "She was just complimenting my outfit."

"Mhm. I bet she was" Taehyung spits out, not even glancing over at Jimin as he frowns next to him.

I've noticed through the years knowing the two guys that Taehyung has become rather distant with his friend. Ever since they both started at the same university as me, Taehyung has gotten himself a reputation of being a fuckboi. I wouldn't be surprised if he has slept with more girls than I have, and I'll admit that that number is rather high. It's clear that Jimin is still his best friend, but they haven't really been as close as they used to be. He still acts protectively over him though, the proof of that being displayed right in front of my eyes.

"Now now Tae" I purr as I stand up, using Jimin's nickname for him to piss him off. "No need to be so hostile."

His gaze hardens as I walk closer to where the two men are standing, his jaw clenching even harder. His eyes betray him by glancing down at my exposed legs as I adjust the short skirt that I am wearing, the fact that he couldn't resist checking me out seeming to make him even angrier. Jimin moves a step closer to Taehyung as I reach them, refusing to look at me as I come to a stop next to him. I am about an inch taller than Jimin when I am not wearing shoes, the heels I am wearing today putting me an inch above Taehyung's height.

"Are you saying that I can't say that Jiminie here looks nice when he does?"

I reach up and run my fingers through Jimin's hair in an affectionate way to try and see if I can get Taehyung to snap, my smirk widening to a grin when he looks like he's about to explode. Jimin's eyes close as if on their own accord at my touch and I can't help but feel like I accomplished something, his approval making me bolder in my actions.

I softly use my fingernails to scratch his scalp, running them along the back of his head along the bottom of his hairline by his neck. My movements stop when his lips part and a breathy moan exits his mouth, my eyebrows raising at the discovery. It was low enough so that only Taehyung and I heard it, but the sound was enough to raise goosebumps along my arms and legs.

Jimin's eyes open with a flash as soon as he realizes what just happened and his entire face flushes red as I refrain from cooing at how adorable he is, his wide-eyed gaze trained on Taehyung as he turns the heat of his glare onto the shorter male.

"Awe, look at that" I say teasingly. "It looks like your boyfriend's sensitive, TaeTae."

"He's not my boyfriend" he spits out before uncrossing his arms, sending one last glare my way before turning on his heels and walking away.

The atmosphere surrounding Jimin and I when he leaves has lowered due to Taehyung's sudden departure, Jimin's eyes on his retreating figure. I clear my throat to break the silence as I look away from Jimin's sad expression, not knowing what to say. I must have hit a nerve this time around because Jimin looks absolutely devastated at Taehyung's immediate dismissal.


"Look, I'm sorry hun. I didn't know he was going to hurt you like that, I was just trying to tease him."

"I know, it's ok" he says softly, smiling up at me as he does so. I bring my lower lip between my teeth as I think of what to do, still not ok leaving Jimin the way he is when it was essentially my fault.

"How about you ditch the crappy cafeteria lunch and I buy you something from off campus?"

"Really?" he asks with wide eyes, his cute expression making me want to pinch his cheeks. His smile widens until it is a full on grin, his excitement at the prospect of getting food from off campus more than apparent. I ruffle his hair as I nod, taking his tray from his hands and walking back over to the table my friends are at.

"Way to go, Chloe" Jaebum hisses sarcastically, no doubt referring to how I managed to get Taehyung to storm off. I roll my eyes and flip him off but the smile on my face remains, me way to happy to pay him much attention right now.

"Fuck off, loser. I've got a date."

I grab my purse and then Jimin's arm, pulling him in the direction that Taehyung left towards the exit. I pull out my sunglasses when we walk outside and into the sun, tugging on the sweatshirt I am wearing over my outfit because of how cold it was in the cafeteria. I'll wait until we get to my car to take it off because it is hot as Hell right now, me instead turning towards Jimin as we walk between the cars in the student parking lot.

"So......" I trail off as we both reach my car, my keys in my hand as I lean against the top to look at Jimin as he stands on the other side.

"You like getting your head scratched, huh?"

"N-noona" he stutters cutely, his cheeks turning pink again as he looks down at his hands as they fist the material of his shirt.

I chuckle but decided to drop it for the time being, unlocking my car and sliding into the seats.

"Just so you know, I'm counting this as a date" I state honestly as I turn the car on and fix my review mirror, lowering my sunglasses so that I can look him in the eye.

He doesn't say anything, simply nodding before facing forward. I continue to just sit there and stare at the side of his face, bursting into laughter when he cusses under his breath and hides his flushed cheeks with his small hands.

"Just drive already" he grumbles under his breath, pouting as he turns to look out his window.

"You're wish is my command, cutie" I tease before laughing again when he turns and sends me a glare that wouldn't even scare a kitten. I take pity on him and decide to start driving, handing him my phone so that he can choose what music he wants to listen to on the way there.

For a moment, I stop to think about what Taehyung is going to think when he finds out that I took his little boy-toy on a date. He may have denied the fact that they are dating, but something happened between them at some point to have Jimin so hooked on him. I would bet anything that they fucked and that's why he gets so lovestruck when he is around. I'm not exactly sure why Taehyung keeps fucking around with girls, but he is oddly protective over someone he claims he is just friends with.

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