Chapter 59

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"Wooooaaahhh!" Hinata's eyes shined as he looked around. "Chandeliers everywhere Kageyama!"

"Shut up boke!" Kageyama grumbled.

"This is a too fancy for us, don't you think?People who eat here should be wearing tuxedos and gowns! And look at us wearing casual clothing." Sugawara said.

They just arrived at the restaurant that's located at the seventh floor of the Regency, a tall and famous hotel tower located in Tokyo.

Outside the luxurious restaurant was a big balcony illuminated with dim lights as it overlooks the whole city.

"Are you Chikara Ennoshita?" A waiter asked Daichi.

"Oh no, no. Ennoshita is still not here yet," Daichi replied nervously, intimidated by the stares coming from the rich people surrounding them.

"Oh, then are you Sawamura Daichi?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Great. All of you please follow me," the waiter gestured as Daichi and the others behind him followed silently.

The waiter stopped in a table that would atleast fit 18-20 people, then he took the reserved sign in the center of the table and gestured for everyone to sit down.

"It's too cold," shivered Yachi.

"Here, take my jacket." Yamaguchi offered in which Yachi replied with a big thanks.

"We've finally got together after years huh?" Daichi smiled.

Everyone nodded; Sugawara, Asahi, Tanaka, Kinoshita, Narita, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kageyama, Hinata, Yachi, Shimizu, Coach Ukai, and Takeda-sensei.

"We're lacking three though..." Asahi said.

"Ennoshita said he's coming," Daichi replied.

"Yeah," Tanaka mumbled. "Noya's probably busy traveling right now."

"And Kumi..." Yamaguchi said quietly, catching everyone's attention.

"You know I somehow felt like she's always near me, don't you all feel it too?" Sugawara smiled positively, trying to lift everyone's spirits.

They only nodded, silently, letting silence dominate for a few seconds, until someone spoke from behind.

"You're all here!"

"Ennoshita-san!" Exclaimed Hinata excitedly.

"This is sudden," Ennoshita smiled, taking his seat in between Kinoshita and Yamaguchi.

"You know you could just take us out on some fast food diner instead of this fancy resto," Daichi chuckled.

"Me?" Ennoshita tilted his head in confusion.

" said it's your treat...right?"

"I-I didn't remember saying anything," Ennoshita stuttered. "Instead Suga-san texted me saying it's your treat, Daichi-san."

"W-WHAT? Suga?!" Daichi turned to the silver-haired man.

But Sugawara also held the same confused looks.

"I d-didn't, Daichi. I swear!" Suga raised his hands up in defense.

Ennoshita leaned in, sweating nervously as he whispered.

"T-t-then who's paying?"

"Calm down! Calm down, you three!" Tanaka laughed to ease the tension as he spoke to the three arguing men.

I miss this team. Both Hinata and Kageyama thought as they only watch their previous upperclassmen argue over whoever's paying.

I always wanted to take this team farther...

Kageyama sighed as everyone around him started conversations on their own. He placed his hand on the empty seat beside him, leaning for support while he sat boredly.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat, silencing the people who sat in the same table as him.

Just by the end of the table stood a woman with short, brown hair, hazel-brown eyes, 165cm in height as she waved with a beaming smile and spoke calmly.

"Thanks for saving me a seat."

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