Chapter 20

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"'See you'?" Hinata turned to me with a look of disbelief. "'SEE YOU'. That was too boring!"

"Then what am I supposed to say?" I replied.

"Tell her how great your date was, hug her, uhm I think...kiss her like how couples act--"

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE, YOU DUMBASS!" I barked. "Yet," I mumbled to myself.

I wonder what got her occupied. She sounded unsure when she said it was her parents' business meeting, it convinced me to say that she was lying.

But why? I thought. Stop overthinking idiot! If she says it's a business meeting, then a business meeting it is.

Daichi clapped repeatedly, breaking me out from my thoughts as he spoke, "All right! Let's get back to practice!"


Monday flew faster than the speed of my own serves. I sat boredly in my seat as I waited for the bell to ring that signals the end of the class.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen Ayame since Saturday. I thought to myself, staring at my desk. She hasn't responded to my messages nor accepted my calls, she's also absent today as what Tsukishima said.

"She must be very busy," I yawned.


I quickly shot up from my seat, greeting the teacher goodbye and ran towards the gym. A few seconds since I started sprinting, Hinata then came up beside me who was also running in the same pace.

Then we crashed through the gym's doors, panting heavily as we rolled on the wooden ground.

"Who...won?" Hinata panted.

"Umm both of you?" Yacchan replied unsurely.

"Damn it," I grunted, getting to my feet as I surveyed the area, not seeing her presence. "Ayame hasn't contacted any of you?"

Yacchan and Kiyoko-san shook their heads 'no' and so did my other teammates.

"Oi, Tsukishima," I called out to the lanky blonde who sat alone. "Where's Ayame?"

"How would I know?" He replied bluntly.

"You're her bestfriend idiot!"

"Didn't she tell you?" He took his glasses off and wiped its lenses. "Business meeting."

I sighed, taking my phone out as I texted her.



What an unproductive day. I sighed deeply, leaning against the chair of a cafe that rests inside a mall.

"I miss the boys," I whined to myself, burying my face in my hands. Then I felt my phone vibrated inside my pocket; I opened it and saw a message from Kageyama. "Crap! I forgot!" I panicked, suddenly feeling guilt as I deleted 30 ignored messages and 20 missed calls from him.

Kageyama Tobio:
Hey...sorry to disturb you, but are you still up for later?

Heyyy Tobio! Sure, what time? At your house?

Kageyama Tobio:

"Idiot," I facepalmed at his reply, taking a sip of my coffee before returning to my phone.

Dumbass, I was asking you a question.

Kageyama Tobio:
Right, sorry. After practice around 8pm? At mines.

The Melody I Played (Kageyama Tobio X Oc Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat