Chapter 15

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I stared at the ceiling for a few good minutes, thinking particularly about everything. Volleyball, school, music...Kageyama. I shook my head, thinking mostly about life rather than just him.

There are times when I just really wanna live my life, but at the same time I had to be cautious. A few people wouldn't understand; probably only Tsukishima, Oikawa, and my family knew about it. And maybe soon, when I'm brave enough, I'll get to tell everyone without worrying about anything.

I'll get to tell the boys about the main reason why I quit volleyball.

I'll get to tell them why I insisted on finding for a new manager.

I'll get to tell Kageyama that I like him without breaking my heart, or his. If ever he returns the feelings.

I should tell them before it gets to me.

A ring coming from my phone snapped me out of my thoughts. I took it from the nightstand, checking the caller's ID — I widened my eyes as I jolted up.

I then clicked the answer button. "H-hello?"


"K-Kageyama, hi! What's up?"

"Are you busy?" his deep voice spoke calmly.

"Uhm, no, I guess?" I replied.

"Can you help me study?"

I paused for a second, trying to hold my laughter at his unexpected cuteness. "Sure. Where do you want it?"

"Umph to wyou," he muffled, obviously chewing on something in his mouth.

"At my house, tonight, it's that fine?"

"Okay, thanks." Then he hung up.

I slowly removed my phone from my ear, placing it carefully on my nightstand. "Kageyama's coming here," I mumbled. "Shit! I need to clean up!"


Night came quickly, just in time for me to organize my room. I took one last glance at the mirror, studying my simple outfit, until the doorbell rang. I quickly ran down the stairs, checking the cameras to see it really was Kageyama outside...with a bouquet of flowers in hand.

W-w-what is he...

I shook my head, quickly heading out. I opened the gate to be met with a fresh looking Kageyama. I scanned him up and down, blushing at the thought of seeing him in casual clothes for the first time, usually I only see him wearing training clothes or school uniform, but a Kageyama in casual clothes made me all the more attracted than I already am.

"Osu," he greeted, calmly handing me the flowers.

" did you know?" I asked, taking in the genuine scent then I felt myself blushing intensely.

He scratched the back of his head nervously before replying. "I didn't...?"

I laughed at his reply, thanking him as I invited him to come inside. Once we stepped inside the house, I grabbed a vase with water, gently placing the Peonies in it.

"We'll study in my room, is that alright?" He nodded in reply, following me up the staircase. "Make yourself at home," I said as we entered my room, but his attention was attached to the walls of my bedroom. My old jerseys -- all with a number 7 on it -- were neatly placed and hung in a frame and so are pictures of my previous volleyball career.

"Wow..." he mumbled, placing his bag down.

"Nostalgic, I know," I said as he nodded, turning to a few pictures on my nightstand.

His eyes scanned the photographs I framed with Kei and me in it, until it landed on one picture that shows Oikawa and I having our last selfie. His eyebrows were furrowed, looking at it intently before looking away.

I sighed, calling him to settle down in a chair infront of me.

"What subject first?" I asked, taking his notebook.

"English," he replied. I nodded and we started our study session.


An hour has passed since we started, but I would oftenly notice Kageyama zoning out or somehow avert his attention to irrelevant topics. We finished two subjects already, and we're almost with the last one.

I handed him my notebook, giving him easier terms and methods to memorize everything quickly, but I noticed his sudden nervousness as he fiddled with his pen.

"Something bothering you?" I finally asked.

He turned to me, eyes stern. "No. I was just amazed by the journey you've gone through for volleyball."

"Um, thank you?" I chuckled nervously.

"Where was that?" He pointed to a picture where I was holding a golden trophy with two golden medals and I stood in between two boys who also wore the same medals and jersey like mines.

"Ah, I think I was around 10 years old that time," I replied, trying my best to remember. "It was a mix category tournament in Argentina. Those two boys beside me are two of my teammates, the Miya twins -- Atsumu and Osamu...I wonder how they're doing right now."

"You played in the mix category?" He asked.

I nodded as he pointed to the next picture which shows me and a wavy-haired ravenette. "He's my classmate back in Mori. He's also a setter by the way."

"How good is he?" typical Kageyama raised a brow.

"Oh he's really good and smart too."

The next few minutes were spent with him questioning me about the pictures hung in the wall, until everything was finished. We sat back in our chairs, an awkward atmosphere once again surrounded us.

"Um, did you learn anything?" I asked, rubbing my nape.

"Yeah," he replied emotionlessly, then his eyes met mines as a few words rolled out of his mouth that sent me blushing hard. "You're beautiful," he said rather bluntly.

I laughed nervously, "Thank you--"

"Wait, let me finish." He said, flipping through his notebooks. "Um...your voice c-calms me a-and you're the only song stuck in m-my head."

"Kageyama-kun are you sure your okay?" I asked but he ignored my question.

"W-watching you p-play volleyball and h-hearing you sing are two of my favorite things..." he took his English book, flipping through the pages oftenly. "Being with me an unkown f-feeling that I have yet to discover--"

"Did the Kageyama Tobio just stuttered--"


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