Chapter 53

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A/N: so I've decided to not write much details during the matches. I don't wanna spoil you on how the game was played, so if possible, I'll just be adding a few points here and there.


I didn't know how it happened or what sent motivation and encouragement rushing up my spine during our match with Inarizaki, but I just had the sudden urge to play with all I got during the moment.

It happened all of a sudden. We've beaten one of the most favored team to win the nationals.

We won against Inarizaki.

We now advance to the third round with the Battle at the Garbage Dump finally happening tomorrow.

We'll play Nekoma; this is not a practice match nor a training camp. This is the nationals now, and we'll win it.

"Isn't the hospital where Kumi is just a bus ride away from here?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah, it's just near from here." Sugwara replied.

"Then let's go visit while we still have time!"

I perked up, listening closely to their conversations.

I missed her. We all do. But we just have to wait. She'll come some time around.

Then the door opened with Tsukishima stepping in, an opened envelope in hand. He walked towards Takeda-sensei and handed it, making us tilt our heads in curiosity.

"What's this Tsukishima?" Asked the sensei.

He shrugged boredly. "Akaashi-san just gave it to me. I think it's for us to read."

Takeda nodded, taking a neatly folded letter inside.

"It's from Kumi..." mumbled Take-sensei.

How was she able to meet Akaashi-san and gave him the letter?

Everyone turned silent as we diverted our attentions towards Takeda. We then huddled closer, waiting for him to start reading.


Heard you won your first match? Congrats! Win the next match, okay? Get as far as you all can, but either way, win or lose you crows will always be the best. But even if your journey in the nationals has stopped, always know that it won't always be the end. It's a start of something new, you know?

Anyway, I don't want to make this letter sentimental and all because it's not a goodbye letter or anything haha! I just wanna let you all know that I'm still here rooting for all you.

I'll have the surgery tonight at 8:00 pm, so I can't see you win against your next opponents during that time. I didn't tell any of you this, even Kei and Tobio, but this surgery cannot guarantee 100% of my recovery, it's more likely a 50/ wish me luck okay? See you all soon. But if it fails...then you'll know what comes next. But that won't happen, right? Right.

However, if that do happens, there are a few things I want you all to know: First, I have never been this grateful and happy to meet people like you, even if I only managed the team for a little while, it was one of the best moments. Sorry. Sorry for keeping my sickness a secret when we swore to be open with one another, if only I had the courage and confidence to face your reactions then I would've told you all sooner.

And please don't stop chasing your dreams, it'll only result you into someone full of regrets like me.

To the third years, I wish you all the best when you graduate highschool. Continue being the most reliable and determined people I've ever known. Treasure the nationals and never think of it as your last game, more like think of it as your first biggest achievement in your first step of the real journey. See you on graduation day!

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