Chapter 31

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"It's been so long, has it?" said Nekomata as he chuckled. "Karasuno was the school I least expected you to enroll. You just turned down powerhouses like ours."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes as I let out a laugh. "Volleyball's not always the reason, old man."

Suddenly, a whistle erupted throughout the gym which signalled for the matches to resume.

"I guess we'll catch up later Ayame," Akaashi said. "See you. Let's go Bokuto-san."

"Block my spikes later, Me-chan!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"I'll see what I can do, Bokuto-san." I replied, waving my hand as they walked back to their perspective teams so did Kuroo with his coach.

I sighed, turning to the boys behind me.

"You sure know alot of people," Kiyoko commented.

"Perks of being a star player," Sugawara added.

I only chuckled in reply as I followed them towards a court for their next match. I skipped my way to Kageyama as he suddenly noticed my presence beside him.

"Hey." I greeted.

"How was the drive?" He asked.

"It was fine," I replied as he nodded. "How are your new techniques going?"

He didn't reply, only furrowed his eyebrows which was enough for me to know his answer.

"You can try practicing it with Hinata tonight," I suggested.

"Maybe," he shrugged, changing the subject. "D-Did you see the gift?"

Everyone infront of us stopped and turned to me with curious eyes.

I scoffed, suppressing a big smile. "I love it."


"Kageyama your pass was too short," I corrected as he nodded with Hinata going back to his position.

I threw the ball above Kageyama again as he tossed it towards Hinata, unsuccessfully hitting it.

"Keep trying!" I encouraged and they started doing it again without speaking to each other. I sighed, placing my hands on my waist.

"Kumi-chan," I turned around as Noya called my name.


"How do I time my footwork and set again?" He asked.

I turned to the duo behind me, calling Yachi to take over as I walked to the side where Noya was practicing his tosses.

An hour has passed and everyone were still practicing their techniques with full energy, but from the corner of my eye, I saw a certain someone exiting the gym.

"Not again," I mumbled then turned to Kageyama, "Nē, Tobio. I'll just go check on Kei."

"Okay." He replied flatly, leaning down as he suddenly pecked the top of my head. I giggled, lightly punching his shoulder and walked towards Yamaguchi who held a concerned expression on his best friend. "Yamaguchi? Where's Kei going?"

"Oh, Kumi," he muttered worriedly. "He said he's gonna take a shower then rest. I wanted to talke to him but I don't think he's in the mood for that."

I nodded, smiling reassuringly at him. Thank God Kei has a friend like Yamaguchi. I thought to myself and patted him on the back, making my way out to find the lanky blonde.

"Kei." I said sternly, seeing him walk a few feet away from me.

"What do you want Nuisance?" He stated in his usual annoyed tone.

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