Chapter 27

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The day ended quicker than I expected. As I waved goodbye to Tobio who just walked me home, I watch him walk back to the path we took.

Today was filled with memories. The more time I spend on the team, the more I get attached. I smiled, sighing sadly as it had to end, but I'd always look forward for tomorrow.

"I'm home!" I beamed, hearing footsteps approaching me.

"Welcome home, darling!" My mom greeted, hugging me. "Let's eat dinner now."

I nodded, placing my bag in the sofa as I followed her to the dining area and sat in my usual spot.

"How's your day, Aya?" My dad asked, taking a sip of his favorite strawberry shake.

"It was fun," I smiled, "It really brings back memories."

"How's training?"

"Tiring, but it's fine, I'm used to it. I actually enjoy being with them. . .they make me feel welcomed and safe; like a family." I trailed off, smiling at the thoughts of hanging out with the team.

Mom and Dad supressed a smile as they continued eating their meal, then mom spoke up.

"Your birthday's coming soon, two days before the training camp at Shinzen High, I guess." She said. "You think you can make it in time on camp? You can't possibly travel the world in just two days."

"What do you mean?" I asked, munching on my food.

"You said you wanted to travel the world on this birthday, we can bring Kei and Tobio along if you like," Dad added.

I choked on my food, quickly taking the glass of water as I drank it desperately. Then I placed it down, regaining my cool, "You still remember?" They nodded. "T-that won't be n-necessary. I change my mind about traveling for this year."

"Then what do you want to do?" asked Mom.

I looked down on my food, smiling as I face back up. "I just wanna celebrate it with the Karasuno team." They both held shock expressions for a few second since I've always dreamed of traveling the world one day, then they sighed and gave a genuine smile.

"Sure darling," Mom said softly.


Two days later

Since the day of my birthday was fortunately a day off from practices, I've decided to celebrate it with the team in a resort.

"We're going to the beach?!" exclaimed the other boys excitedly.

I nodded agressively, watching them cheering in unison.

"What's the event?" asked Daichi-san.

I laughed nervously, "My birthday."

"WHAAAAAT!" They yelled together.

"Tsukki!" I heard Yamaguchi yell, "What does Kumi like?"

"Nothing." Tsukishima replied flatly.

"She would probably love some cookies," Sugawara said clearly enough for me to hear.

"Maybe a sweater?" Asahi mumbled.

"A volleyball!" shouted Hinata.

"K-KUMI-CHAN!" Noya shouted from beside me, determination in his eyes.

"Which brings me to what I'm about to say next," I said, "No gifts."

They tilted their heads, a confused look on their faces.

The Melody I Played (Kageyama Tobio X Oc Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang