Chapter 4

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"Hey, Keishin," Kumi turned to Coach Ukai before adjusting the shoes she borrowed from Hinata. "I'll only play one set, after that I'll just spectate."

"Why?" He asked.

"No reason," replied Kumi, walking towards the court.

She counted her teammates and the opponent, seeing that they were only five, and the other has seven. "Can any of you lend us a player?" She asked politely.

The opposing team turned to each other, deciding who. But Tsukishima walked across the other side of the court voluntarily and took his position as middle blocker.

In her team were: Sugawara, Ennishita, Yamaguchi, Narita, Tsukishima, and Kumi. While in the other were the regulars: Hinata, Kageyama, Daichi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Azumane.

"You're seriously playing again," Tsukishima muttered beside Kumi who was on his right as a wing spiker.

"I'm not playing serious this time, just for fun." She said, turning around and encouraged the freckled boy who had to do the first serve. "Yamaguchi, serve well!"

Yamaguchi gave her a nervous nod, gripping tightly on the ball; he then threw it in the air and jumped as he swung his right hand to hit the ball, and it went flying towards her.

"It won't reach," Kumi mumbled under her breath. She stepped to the side as the ball hits the net softly and fell to their side of the court.

Coach Ukai blew the whistle, adding a point to the opposing team.

"It's alright!" Kumi beamed lightly, seeing Yamaguchi shaking on his knees. She turned her attention back to the game as she waited for Asahi's serve.

"Asahi nice serve!"

The ball came flying towards them at an ease pace, Ennoshita recieved it calmly, passing it to Suga.

There are three blockers on my side, Kumi thought to herself, seeing Tsukki was free. Suga-san will pass it to Kei and Noya might receive it.

Sugawara tossed the ball towards Tsukishima as the blonde spiked it on the other side of the net with full force, but Noya received it together with a shout "Rollingggg Thundeeer!" and passed to the setter, Kageyama.

Who will he use? Kumi thought again, Tanaka-san? Hinata? Or Asahi-san from behind? Her eyes studied every movement of the black-haired setter while their wall was ready to block Hinata. No, Kageyama tossed the ball to Tanaka who came charging towards her, striking the ball--

Kumi placed all her strength on her feet as she jumped, purposely soft-touching the ball for an easy receive.

"Chance ball!"

After the receive, Suga had his arms ready for the set. Giving Kumi a signal from his eyes that he will be aiming for her.

Asahi, Hinata, and Tanaka were right infront her, just by the corner of the net as they were ready to block her attack.

As Suga then tossed the ball, It's too low! He shuddered nervously.

The toss is too low for her to land a spike, Kageyama thought.

Expecting for the brunette woman to receive it by the corner, Kumi quickly dashed literally beside Sugawara and jumped to the ball's low height, hitting it with full force using her left hand as it scored a point.


Kumi landed softly, rubbing her sore palm. "Haven't played in so long," she muttered, turning to her teammates.

"B-but the toss was too low!" Suga exclaimed, "And yet you ran literally beside me last second and met the ball instead of it meeting you. That was incredible Kumi-chan!" He praised ruffling her hair.

"WOAH!" Hinata shouted, "TEACH ME THAT KUMI!"

The brunette laughed at his remark, rubbing her nape. "Maybe next time, alright?"

Then the match continued on with Kumi's team leading -- 14 - 19. It was a long match that rallies would last for minutes, but even if Kumi had the chance to strike, she never took it since it was just a practice game and she'd want her teammates to score instead of her.

Hinata and Kageyama's famous demon quick attack was countered easily by the opposing team on Kumi's instructions since she saw a flaw within it.

They need to work on their aim, she thought as the ball flew to their side with Suga touching it first.

"Suga-san can no longer set!" shouted Narita.

"I'm sorry!" Suga shouted calmly.

Kumi ran to the center, raising her hands in a setter's position as she waited for the ball.

Kei has two blockers on his side, Narita-san too, the brunette thought, seeing Kageyama infront of her. She cocked her attention to Yamaguchi behind her for a split second, making Kageyama follow her trick.

As the ball neared her, she jumped, dumping it effortlessly on the other side.

19 - 23

"Nice Kumi-chan!" her teammates praised as she jogged to the serving point. "Serve well!"

Kumi held the ball, breathing deeply. She threw the ball in the air as she did a jump serve, focusing both on power and control, she aimed for the very corner of the court, then it came flying with speed and power.

That's no longer a serve, it's a spike. Daichi said to himself, But—

"It's out!" Noya called as he observed the ball. He didn't bother following, but as it touched the floor, it landed just by the corner, scoring another point.

19 - 24

Everyone in the opposing team were left with eyes wide open and mouths agape as they continued staring at the corner where it landed.

"Was that intentional or by...luck?" Kageyama pondered.

"It was incredible!" Hinata shouted at the fazed setter. "Kageyama? Are you actually jealous?"

Kageyam turned to him with an angered face and barked, "Who wouldn't be dumbass!"

"Kageyama's right," Asahi muttered.

"It was intentional, I saw her eyes aiming for the corner." Daichi calmly added.

"I'm sorry!" Nishinoya apologized.

"We'll get the next one!" Daichi encouraged as thwy got into positions again.

This time, Kumi only went for a normal serve as the ball flew slowly to the opponents side.

Noya received it, passing it to Kageyama as the setter tossed it towards Hinata, he then spiked the ball straight to Tsukishima. The blonde extended his arms to recive, but as the ball landed, he lost control of its direction and sent it outside the court.

"You're receives are still shitty like always," Kumi sneered.

"Shut up." Kei replied.

"Tanaka, nice serve!"

As the ball went over the net, it came straight towrds Sugawara. The grey-haired third year received it hesitantly and tossed it just near the net.

"Hinata direct!" yelled Kageyama.

Hinata and Kumi started running towards the ball, jumping together. Before Hinata could reach it, Kumi raised both hands -- setter style -- and tossed it calmly behind as Narita came up with a spike.

19 - 25.

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