Chapter 51

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It was the most traumatizing experience Kageyama has been through.

More traumatizing than any mistake he made or any match he lost.

Watching the love of his life go unconscious in his arms; it haunted him.

Kageyama never left the hospital that night, until his sister dragged him out of the hospital. It's been a day since it happened, and there has been no news ever since.

Everyone gathered in the gym for the practice, but instead they sat with depression while they hung their heads low as they waited for Takeda-sensei who was on the phone with Kumi's parents. Even Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka couldn't bring to cheer everyone and themselves up, they were just as depressed as everyone.

Kiyoko held Yachi, close to tears while the blonde has been sobbing since she heard the news. Not only them; everyone were close to tears except two people who isolated themselves in the corner.

Tsukishima had the brunette's guitar in his arms as he sat crossed legged on the floor, leaning himself on the wall while he distracted himself by putting a full volume on the music in his headphones.

His parent's and Kumi's were best friends since forever, that's what connected them. If anything would've happened, he should've easily known by now through her mother. But his family didn't know anything.

He too was depressed, but he was good at hiding it.

Kageyama from the opposite corner hugged a volleyball tight, staring into space with no tears left to shed.

He didn't know what happened after, so they all assumed the worst.

She's dead. That's all he had in his mind, burying his nails deep in the volleyball.

And they all let the depressing atmosphere dominate them.

Until the gym doors slammed open with Takeda-sensei stepping in, panting.

"E-everyone!" He started. "Good news!"

Hearing 'good news' wasn't encouraging enough for the players. But they still turned to the teacher with sullen looks.

"She's alive! Kumi's alive!"

With that, everyone's eyes snapped towards Takeda as they got to their feet.

She's alive...SHE'S ALIVE! Kageyama's heart exploded with joy and relief as he thought.

"H-how sensei?" Daichi stammered.

"Her mother called me and told me that the doctors were able to get her heart to beat again."


"How is she now?!"

"Can we see her?"

Multiple questions erupted, but two certain first years only listened closely to their conversations.

"Sadly, she's been transferred earlier to the hospital in Tokyo for better supervision..."

"So...we can't...see her?" Hinata mumbled sadly, earning a slow nod from the teacher.

"But we need to know how she's doing!" Tanaka and Noya said together.

"Yes, calm down. Here's a voice message to prove that she's conscious already." Takeda said and pressed buttons on his phone. This brought everyone to hurriedly huddle around him, including the boys in the corners.

"Hey...uhm I'm alive...I g-guess. I r-really thought that was I had to say a few words to everyone during the morning. But h-heart started beating again. I'm in T-Tokyo right now, i-in the Intensive Care Unit room, hahaha these wires as just as annoying as Tobio and Hinata bickering. I...hope you'll all practice well...and don't worry about me, I'm fine now. T-that's all I have to s-say for now, see you guys soon. Oh and Tobio, sorry for scaring you that night."

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