Chapter 5

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The whistle blew twice, ending the first set of the match.

She tossed in mid air just as I thought she was going for a spike. Kageyama thought.

"AMAZING!" Hinata and Noya yelled as they faced the brunette.

"Nice game everyone!" Kumi beamed stepping outside of the court.

"Where are you going, Kumi?" Hinata asked.

"Ah, sorry. Only one set for now," replied Kumi, "You can continue if you want, Kinoshita will substitute for me."

Coach Ukai clapped his hands, gaining everyone's attention. "I think that's enough for today. We'll start training with Ayame tomorrow."

"Just one last set!" shouted Kageyama and pointed towards Kumi. "Sugawara-san, please let her be a setter."

"How demanding, as expected of the King." Tsukishima retorted.

Suga faced Kageyama with a nervous smile, "S-sure--"

"One set is one set, Kageyama-kun." Kumi stated sternly. "Please excuse me, 7:30 pm is my curfew." With that, she packed her bags, slinging her guitar over her shoulders and waved goodbye to everyone in the gym.

When the brunette left, everyone decided to end the day there and resume tomorrow. They cleaned up as some already left.

"Kageyama! Let's have a contest and see who mops the fastest!" Hinata shouted.

Kageyama faced him, slinging his bag on his shoulders and buried his hands in the pockets of his Karasuno Volleyball Club jacket.

"Pass." He muttered, giving everyone a puzzled look.

"Ehhh? It's not like him turn down Hinata's challenge!" Tanaka said.

Kageyama sighed, patting a towel on his face to wipe a few beads of sweat away as he exited the gymnasium.

It's still been three minutes, she must still be within the campus. The black-haired setter thought to himself, looking for a certain female brunette.


"Yes mom, I'm walking home. No, I don't need someone to pick me up." Kumi said as her mother called through her phone. "I'm alone but I'll be fine. No no, I insisted that Kei didn't need to walk me home, I said I'm fine. I'll just call you otherwise. All right, bye, love you."

She sighed deeply, stuffing her hands under her shirt to add some warmth. "Being back in Miyagi sure is scary--"

"Kumi-chan," a voice spoke from behind, making her turn around, seeing the black haired setter.

She raised her brow, tilting her head as she stopped in her tracks. "You need something, Kageyama-kun?"

He hesitated for a moment, then spoke, "Did you lost a. . .clip?"

"A clip?"

Kageyama searched for the clip like object in his disorganized sports bag, finally getting a grip on it, he pulled it out and showed it infront of her face, mumbling flatly. "Clip."

Ayame stood dumfounded, staring at what he had in his hand, she bursts into laughter, taking the "clip" from his hand.

"It's a capo, idiot." She laughed. "But you're not wrong, it is a clip. Where'd you find it?"

"You left it in the gym during Monday," he replied.

"I'm still careless as always," she suppressed an ear to ear smile, "Thank you!"

C-c-cute. Kageyama thought, flustered discretely while he felt warmness spreading on his cheeks. He nodded in reply, feeling an awkward atmosphere taking over.

"Umm...I have to go," Kumi said, also feeling the awkward moment.

"I'll walk with you."

"W-w-what?" Kumi stuttered, not expecting for that reply.

"I mean," Kageyama regained his posture as he cleared his throat, "My house is also in the direction where you're heading."

Kumi smiled, nodding as they walked together in the same direction. It was another awkward moment, but she decided to start a conversation.


"Kageyama is fine."

"O-okay. Say Kageyama, why setter?"

Kageyama turned to her, a serious look on his face. "Because setters are cool."

"That's your reason?" Kumi laughed.

"There's no great spike without a great toss," he mumbled just enough for her to hear. "I'll aim to be the best setter in prefecture."

"With your determination and talent, I can see it happening."

"No," Kageyama replied stoicly, "I still need to beat a senior of mine."

"I see, he's also an excellent setter?" Kumi asked.

Kageyama sighed, hating to admit the fact that said setter is the currently the best. "Yes," he replied with a straight face. "We'll possibly play against them during the Inter High Preliminaries."

"When is that?"

"In three days."

Kumi placed a finger on her chin as she thought of something. "I don't know how this senior of yours plays, but 3 days is enough for you to train your tosses."

"Will you help me?"

Kumi froze, craning her attention to Kageyama. "Y-yeah, I can help Keishin-san during trainings and teach you everything I know, but I can't say I'm as good as before."

"It's fine," Kageyama replied emtionlessly.

"All right," Kumi smiled, "I'll see what I can do!"

Throughout the walk, they continued talking about random topics, mostly about volleyball. But Kageyama avoided asking her about her past in junior high, specifically the internationals and why she backed out, sensing that she was sensitive to the topic.

Kumi talked non-stop while Kageyama was attentively listening to her random stories quietly.

Suprised to see Tsukishima hanging out with a talkative one, Kageyama thought, watching the brunette doing gestures with her hands that was related to her topic.

Kageyama turned to the side for seconds, clearly aware that they just passed by his house. He shrugged it off and decided to keep his mouth shut and walk her home instead.

They have arrived at Kumi's house after a few minutes later. It was a mansion as what Kageyama saw from the outside; with a large gate and a camera on the outside.

"Why don't come in for dinner?" Kumi said to Kageyama.

"It's fine, I have to get home." Kageyama replied flatly.

"Are you fine with walking alone? I assume your house is still a few blocks away."

Kageyama nodded, bowing as he thanked her and stood straight again. "I'll get going." Then he started walking away—


The black-haired boy stopped in his tracks, turning back to Kumi.

"Thank you—," said the brunette.

Kageyama raised his brow, confused, letting Kumi continue her sentence.

"—for walking me home."

"Wha—" he was cut off.

Kumi rested her hands on her hips, smirking slyly. "I knew, idiot. We just passed by your house."

Kageyama stood stiff, giving her one last glance before waving off.


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