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The duo had eventually arrived at Jeongguk's house a few minutes later.

"We're here, sunshine." Jeongguk announced to the small boy in the seat next to him.

Hoseok's brown eyes lit up immediately then sparkled in excitement. He was extremely happy and overjoyed to be spending the next two days with his father whom he hadn't seen in such a long time.

Jeongguk chuckled fondly to himself as he watched Hoseok fiddle around with the door handle, eyebrows knitted together as his tounge poked out of his thin, pink lips; the look of concentration evident on his face.

A huff escaped his lips as he swivelled around to face his father, a pout now playing at his lips which caused Jeongguk to coo at the sight.

"Daddy..." The boy whined out, "Why won't the door open? Hmph! Stoopid door."

The raven haired male laughed lightly, startling the small boy still sat in the car seat.

"Sunshine. The car's still locked." Was all the elder said, a fond smile pulling at his lips.

Hoseok's mouth twitched into an 'o' shape as his brown eyes grew wide. How had he been so naïve?

With eager eyes, the boy watched as his father unlocked the car then opened his own door before reaching over and doing the same to Hoseok's.

The brown haired boy wastes no time at all in hopping out of the car. Once out, he shut the door and heard as Jeongguk did the same.

The next thing he knew, his father was stood in front of him, a little grin on his face as he leant his hand down towards his son.

"Are you coming, my little Hoseokie?" He asked.

Hoseok's mouth fell agape at the name. No one except Jimin had ever called him that. So, after hearing that from his other father (whom he was dying to get closer with), brought a few tears to his eyes.

Blinking them away, the boy reached out then successfully grabbed a hold of Jeongguk's hand, smiling softly as he felt his father's warmth radiate off of him.

The two then walked into Jeongguk's house, hand in hand.

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At home, Min Yoongi was having a stressful time. Not only was he stressed at work earlier on today, but he was also stressed out about the amount of work he had gotten sent: the work was either in the form of an email, or a package of paperwork.

This wasn't really how he wanted to spend his Tuesday evening at all. Could the man get at least some rest?

Sighing in utter frustration, the black haired male quickly ran a hand through his hair, threw his pen down then leaned back in his desk chair. The teacher had locked himself away in his study at home in order to complete some paperwork. All it was doing was stressing him out. He couldn't continue, not yet anyways.

Shaking his head, Yoongi pushed himself up from his seat then arose, sending death glares towards the mountains of paperwork he had to complete.

He needed to do something in order to make his stress melt away. He needed to do something, anything.

That was when it clicked.

There was only one person on this whole earth who made Yoongi feel calm, tranquility and actually at peace. And that person was a certain dancer who he had taken quite a liking too.

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