Chapter 54~ Snooze

Start from the beginning

While he was sleeping, his phone went off about a dozen times. I would have woken him up for him to answer or answered it myself before giving it to him, but it would have required getting up and finding his pants in the mess of clothes that were strewn across the floor. So, I tried to ignore the insistent ringing and just nuzzled closer to Louis.

After a long while, Louis' grip around me tightened and then he let out a long and low groan. He turned his body so that his position was altered and he was on his side and facing me. I shifted away from him while he got into a more comfortable position, and when he was settled he stared back at me. His eyes looked so much better than when I had opened the door and saw the extremely dark circles there. The circles hadn't gone away completely, but they were lesser than they were before.

Louis and I's bare legs brushed up against each other under the sheets, and he sent a breath taking smile my way when one of his hands reached for mine. He held it in his after he had taken it from where it rested on the bed. Our fingers tangled together, and he fidgeted slightly with a few of my digits. "You should get some more rest," I told him, but I could already tell what his answer would be.

"Mm," he hummed out before actually speaking, "I know, I just want to stay awake for a bit longer." I leaned forward that slightest bit that it took to press a kiss to his smiling lips, and he let a quiet laugh shake through him. When I pulled away, though, his expression had turned somewhat serious. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" he questioned with the concern plainly obvious in his tone. It took me a second to realize what he was referring to, but when I did I quickly shook my head. "Good," his smile was back, and he played around with our fingers once again.

There was a comfortable silence that fell over us after that. I was about to break it, but he beat me to it. "It's weird to think that we spent a whole year in the other reality only to have things go completely back to normal," he mumbled out while using his unoccupied had to push some hair away from my eyes.

I shook my head at that, "things didn't go back completely."

"What do you mean?" Louis wondered with a raised brow.

I reached out and tapped on the '11:11' pendant hanging around his neck, "well, this for one. How'd you get it in this world if you'd never had it before?" he nodded after hearing the beginning of my findings, and it was almost as if he was saying that he had wondered the same exact thing. Pulling away from him for only a second, I reached over to the side table and opened the drawer to get the CD that lay within. I giggled when Louis groaned at my movements away from him, but I was back to the same position soon enough. Louis watched me as I pried open the case of the Up All Night CD and then pulled out the little booklet in the front that gave information about the songs on the disc. I handed it to him after wards and spoke once again, "my name is in there as one of the song writers of the songs." His brows furrowed as he flipped through the small booklet only to find that I was telling the truth. "My mum is dead in this reality too; same way and everything else even though I am one hundred percent sure that my father and I had taken her to the psych hospital."

"How?" he breathed out in disbelief.

"I dunno," I shrugged, "but that's not it. I managed to get a hold of some of this hotel's information, and they have our previous stay documented; all of the boys' rooms and ours. It's all there, but if you ask the boys I bet they'll say that they haven't seen me in their life."

"Yeah, they certainly don't remember you," he agreed while slipping the booklet back into the CD case and then tossing the CD at the other bed in the room. "Gosh, Annalise, they think I'm a complete lunatic," he rolled back over onto his back, but his hand pulled mine as if to tell me to come closer. Without a second thought, I cuddled up to his side and draped my right hand over his stomach. His tummy was gone; now his stomach had gone back to the toned and flat surface that it had been before we got pulled into the other reality. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the tummy, but I would get over it soon enough.

"Don't worry, Lou, they'll see that you're just fine," I assured him while pressing a small kiss to his side. He shuddered at the contact of my lips, but tightened his grip around me soon after.

"Yeah, they'll see."

Again, things went quiet. We were content in just lying there for a moment and drawing in the feeling of being together. "Maybe we should get dressed and get something to eat," I suggested after the short silence. "That little crab place down the street is still open, and I know you like eating there."

Louis laughed loudly, and I could feel the joyful noise against my cheek as it shook his chest, "you just want to see me in one of the crab bibs so that you can call me a baby."

"Maybe..." I trailed off which earned a playful scoff from him, "but you look so cute with it, Lou!"

He shifted back onto his side once again, and we were both smiling at each other like complete idiots. One of Louis' hand found its way to the small of my back, and he pulled me up against him so that our chests were together and he could whisper in my ear if he wanted to. "I'm sure I do," he breathed out while moving his hand in order to push my hair away from my neck. "However, I have a much better idea for what we could do," he whispered before pressing a kiss to the area right under my ear and making me giggle like crazy.

"I love you, Louis," I stated as he continued to press kisses to my jaw line and neck. He pulled away after hearing the words, and the smile on his lips was just wonderful to stare at. I made sure to make a mental picture in my head so that I would never forget that particular smile. His tousled hair and bright eyes just added to how innocent and adorable it made him look, and I would have loved to just look at that smile for the rest of the day.

"I love you too, Annalise," he replied, and he sealed the words with a kiss on the lips. And, even though it was a quick little peck, I swear it took my breath away. 

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